Claws +15

180 critical_dark_souls.jpg 100
135(145) stability_dark_souls.jpg -
172(172) durability_dark_souls.jpg 150
180(180) weight_dark_souls.jpg 1.0
Requirements & Bonus
strength_dark_souls.jpg dexterity_dark_souls.jpg intelligence_dark_souls.jpg faith_dark_souls.jpg
6 14
Auxiliar icon_res_bleed.png 300
Weapon Type Fist Weapon
Attack Type Slash
Enchantable Yes
Special Bleed

*When infused with Magic: 135 physical dmg/145 magic dmg, with Fire: 172 physical dmg/172 Fire dmg, with Lightning: 180 physical dmg/180 Lightning dmg

Claws is a Weapon in Dark Souls and Dark Souls Remastered.




A weapon formed by three sharped claws.
Attacks cause bleeding, and the wounds inflicted are not easily mended. Preferred weapon of the spooks of an Eastern land.



How to Get / Where to Find the Claws


  • Give to Frampt to receive 50 souls.
  • It is not possible to wield the claw with two hands.
  • The claws can not be used to block.
  • Bleed build up is 30 per strike, and once inflicted will tear 30% of the opponents HP.
  • The claw's rolling attack (R1 right after rolling) is another roll forward into a slash. When locked on, the roll is performed towards the target regardless of the direction of movement before.
  • As they are fist weapons, claws receive a helpful damage bonus (of roughly 20 points) when combined with thorn gauntlets.
  • The use of thorn armor such as the gauntlets also allows a claw user to inflict rolling chip damage during both a normal roll and a follow-up R1 roll attack. When facing a low or zero poise opponent this enables the claw user to keep that opponent in a cycle of near stunlock so long as the claw wielder keeps rolling and performing R1 roll attacks.
  • When wielded with the left hand, the L1 light attack is actually a strong attack, and it deals the same damage as the right hand R2 strong attack.
  • Demon's souls version: Different in both apperance and move set. It has five blades instead of the three in dark souls.

Claws Upgrade Table



Overview table for all Upgrades at regular, max and threshold levels. Click on the tabs to see individual upgrade paths in detail. Use this table to quickly compare performance


  Attack Values Parameter Bonuses Aux Effects Damage Reduction (%) Stability
Claws physical_damage_dark_souls.jpg magic_damage_dark_souls.jpg fire_damage_dark_souls.jpg lightning_damage_dark_souls.jpg critical_dark_souls.jpg strength_dark_souls.jpg dexterity_dark_souls.jpg intelligence_dark_souls.jpg faith_dark_souls.jpg divine_dark_souls.jpg occult_dark_souls.jpg physical_defense_dark_souls.jpg magic_defense_dark_souls.jpg fire_defense_dark_souls.jpg icon_prot_lightn.png stability_dark_souls.jpg
Regular 72 0 0 0 100 E B - - - - 0 0 0 0 0
Regular +5 108 0 0 0 100 E B - - - - 0 0 0 0 0
Regular +10 144 0 0 0 100 E B - - - - 0 0 0 0 0
Regular +14 172 0 0 0 100 E A - - - - 0 0 0 0 0
Regular +15 180 0 0 0 100 E A - - - - 0 0 0 0 0
Crystal 158 0 0 0 100 E B - - - - 0 0 0 0 0
Crystal +4 187 0 0 0 100  E A - - - - 0 0 0 0 0
Crystal +5 194 0 0 0 100 E A - - - - 0 0 0 0 0
Lightning 129 0 0 129 100 - - - - - - 0 0 0 0 0
Lightning +4 169 0 0 169 100 - - - - - - 0 0 0 0 0
Lightning +5 180 0 0 180 100 - - - - - - 0 0 0 0 0
Raw 124 0 0 0 100 E C - - - - 0 0 0 0 0
Raw +5 166 0 0 0 100 E C - - - - 0 0 0 0 0
Magic 81 87 0 0 100 E D C - - - 0 0 0 0 0
Magic +5 108 116 0 0 100 E D C - - - 0 0 0 0 0
Magic +9 129 139 0 0 100  D  B - - - 0 0 0 0 0
Magic +10 135 145 0 0 100 E D B - - - 0 0 0 0 0
Enchanted 108 114 0 0 100 E E C - - - 0 0 0 0 0
Enchanted +4 125 127 0 0 100  E  A - - - 0 0 0 0 0
Enchanted +5 129 132 0 0 100 E E A - - - 0 0 0 0 0
Divine 72 88 0 0 100 E D - C 110 - 0 0 0 0 0
Divine +5 96 118 0 0 100 E D - C 110 - 0 0 0 0 0
Divine +9 115 141 0 0 100 E D - 110 - 0 0 0 0 0
Divine +10 120 147 0 0 100 E D - B 110 - 0 0 0 0 0
Occult 100 108 0 0 100 E D - B - 110 0 0 0 0 0
Occult +4 124 129 0 0 100 E D - B - 110 0 0 0 0 0
Occult +5 130 135 0 0 100 E D - B - 110 0 0 0 0 0
Fire 93 0 93 0 100 - - - - - - 0 0 0 0 0
Fire +5 129 0 129 0 100 - - - - - - 0 0 0 0 0
Fire +9 164 0 164 0 100 - - - - - - 0 0 0 0 0
Fire +10 172 0 172 0 100 - - - - - - 0 0 0 0 0
Chaos 126 0 144 0 100 - - - - - - 0 0 0 0 0
Chaos +4 138 0 158 0 100 - - - - - - 0 0 0 0 0
@ 10 Humanity + 0 + 0 100 - - - - - - 0 0 0 0 0
Chaos +5 144 0 165 0 100 - - - - - - 0 0 0 0 0
@ 10 Humanity 175 0 199 0 100 - - - - - - 0 0 0 0 0


Regular Upgrades are performed by Andre of Astora at the Undead Parish.
Regular +6 requires a regular +5 weapon and to hand in the Large Ember. Regular +11 requires a regular +10 weapon and to hand in the Very Large Ember.
Regular Reinforcement Scales 13% for strength_dark_souls.jpg Strength and 85% for dexterity_dark_souls.jpg Dexterity to increase your AR.
To reach max, you need: 1,500 souls, 9 titanite shards to +5, 9 large titanite shards to +10, 7 titanite chunks to +14 and 1 titanite slab to +15

  Attack Values Parameter Bonus Auxiliary Damage Reduction (%) Stability
Claws physical_damage_dark_souls.jpg magic_damage_dark_souls.jpg fire_damage_dark_souls.jpg lightning_damage_dark_souls.jpg strength_dark_souls.jpg dexterity_dark_souls.jpg intelligence_dark_souls.jpg faith_dark_souls.jpg divine_dark_souls.jpg occult_dark_souls.jpg physical_defense_dark_souls.jpg magic_defense_dark_souls.jpg fire_defense_dark_souls.jpg lightning_defense_dark_souls.jpg stability_dark_souls.jpg
Regular 72 - - - E B - - - - - - - - -
Regular +1 (titanite_shard_dark_soulsx1) 79 - - - E B - - - - - - - - -
Regular +2 (titanite_shard_dark_soulsx1) 86 - - - E B - - - - - - - - -
Regular +3 (titanite_shard_dark_soulsx2) 93 - - - E B - - - - - - - - -
Regular +4 (titanite_shard_dark_soulsx2) 100 - - - E B - - - - - - - - -
Regular +5 (titanite_shard_dark_soulsx3) 109 - - - E B - - - - - - - - -
Regular +6 (titanite_shard_dark_soulsx1) 115 - - - E B - - - - - - - - -
Regular +7 (titanite_shard_dark_soulsx1) 122 - - - E B - - - - - - - - -
Regular +8 (titanite_shard_dark_soulsx2) 129 - - - E B - - - - - - - - -
Regular +9 (titanite_shard_dark_soulsx2) 136 - - - E B - - - - - - - - -
Regular +10 (titanite_shard_dark_soulsx3) 144 - - - E B - - - - - - - - -
Regular +11 (titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx1) 151 - - - E B - - - - - - - - -
Regular +12 (titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx1) 158 - - - E B - - - - - - - - -
Regular +13 (titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx2) 165 - - - E B - - - - - - - - -
Regular +14 (titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx3) 172 - - - E A - - - - - - - - -
Regular +15 (titanite_slab_dark_soulsx1) 180 - - - E A - - - - - - - - -


Crystal Upgrades are performed by the Giant Blacksmith at Anor Londo.
Crystal Upgrades require a regular +10 weapon and to hand in the Crystal Ember.
Crystal Reinforcement reduces weapon Durability by 15, but increases base damage. Scales 13% for strength_dark_souls.jpg Strength and 85% dexterity_dark_souls.jpg Dexterity to increase your AR.
To reach max, you need: 500 souls, 8 titanite chunks to +4 and 1 titanite slab to +5

  Attack Values Parameter Bonus Auxiliary Damage Reduction (%) Stability
Claws physical_damage_dark_souls.jpg magic_damage_dark_souls.jpg fire_damage_dark_souls.jpg lightning_damage_dark_souls.jpg strength_dark_souls.jpg dexterity_dark_souls.jpg intelligence_dark_souls.jpg faith_dark_souls.jpg divine_dark_souls.jpg occult_dark_souls.jpg physical_defense_dark_souls.jpg magic_defense_dark_souls.jpg fire_defense_dark_souls.jpg lightning_defense_dark_souls.jpg stability_dark_souls.jpg
Crystal (titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx1) 158 - - - E B - - - - - - - - -
Crystal +1 (titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx1) 165 - - - E B - - - - - - - - -
Crystal +2 (titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx1) 172 - - - E B - - - - - - - - -
Crystal +3 (titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx2) 180 - - - E B - - - - - - - - -
Crystal +4 (titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx3) 187 - - - E A - - - - - - - - -
Crystal +5 (titanite_slab_dark_soulsx1) 194 - - - E A - - - - - - - - -


Lightning Upgrades are performed by the Giant Blacksmith at Anor Londo.
Lightning Upgrades require a regular +10 weapon, but no special Ember is required.
Lightning Reinforcement removes all scaling but adds Lightning Damage.
To reach max, you need: 500 souls, 8 titanite chunks to +4 and 1 titanite slab to +5

  Attack Values Parameter Bonus Auxiliary Damage Reduction (%) Stability
Claws physical_damage_dark_souls.jpg magic_damage_dark_souls.jpg fire_damage_dark_souls.jpg lightning_damage_dark_souls.jpg strength_dark_souls.jpg dexterity_dark_souls.jpg intelligence_dark_souls.jpg faith_dark_souls.jpg divine_dark_souls.jpg occult_dark_souls.jpg physical_defense_dark_souls.jpg magic_defense_dark_souls.jpg fire_defense_dark_souls.jpg lightning_defense_dark_souls.jpg stability_dark_souls.jpg
Lightning (titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx1) 129 - - 129 - - - - - - - - - - -
Lightning +1 (titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx1) 139 - - 139 - - - - - - - - - - -
Lightning +2 (titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx1) 149 - - 149 - - - - - - - - - - -
Lightning +3 (titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx2) 159 - - 159 - - - - - - - - - - -
Lightning +4 (titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx3) 169 - - 169 - - - - - - - - - - -
Lightning +5 (titanite_slab_dark_soulsx1) 180 - - 180 - - - - - - - - - - -


Raw Upgrades are performed by Andre of Astora at the Undead Parish.
Raw Upgrades require a regular +5 weapon and to hand in the Large Ember.
Raw Reinforcement increases base damage whilst reducing stat bonuses. Scales 10% for strength_dark_souls.jpg Strength and 64% for dexterity_dark_souls.jpg Dexterity to increase your AR.
To reach max, you need: 500 souls, 10 large titanite shards

  Attack Values Parameter Bonus Auxiliary Damage Reduction (%) Stability
Claws physical_damage_dark_souls.jpg magic_damage_dark_souls.jpg fire_damage_dark_souls.jpg lightning_damage_dark_souls.jpg strength_dark_souls.jpg dexterity_dark_souls.jpg intelligence_dark_souls.jpg faith_dark_souls.jpg divine_dark_souls.jpg occult_dark_souls.jpg physical_defense_dark_souls.jpg magic_defense_dark_souls.jpg fire_defense_dark_souls.jpg lightning_defense_dark_souls.jpg stability_dark_souls.jpg
Raw (titanite_shard_dark_soulsx1) 124 - - - E C - - - - - - - - -
Raw +1 (titanite_shard_dark_soulsx1) 132 - - - E C - - - - - - - - -
Raw +2 (titanite_shard_dark_soulsx1) 141 - - - E C - - - - - - - - -
Raw +3 (titanite_shard_dark_soulsx2) 149 - - - E C - - - - - - - - -
Raw +4 (titanite_shard_dark_soulsx2) 157 - - - E C - - - - - - - - -
Raw +5 (titanite_shard_dark_soulsx3) 166 - - - E C - - - - - - - - -


Magic Upgrades are performed by Rickert of Vinheim, found in New Londo Ruins.
Magic Upgrade +1 requires a regular +5 weapon. Magic +6 requires a Magic +5 and to hand in the Large Magic Ember
Magic Reinforcement adds Magic Damage and an Intelligence bonus. The weapon can no longer be buffed with Magic Weapon. Scales 4% for strength_dark_souls.jpg Strength, 24% for dexterity_dark_souls.jpg Dexterity and 71% faith_dark_souls.jpg Intelligence to increase your AR.
To reach max, you need: 1,000 souls, 10 Green Titanite Shards to +5, 7 Blue Titanite Chunks to +14 and 1 Blue Titanite Slab to +15

  Attack Values Parameter Bonus Auxiliary Damage Reduction (%) Stability
Claws physical_damage_dark_souls.jpg magic_damage_dark_souls.jpg fire_damage_dark_souls.jpg lightning_damage_dark_souls.jpg strength_dark_souls.jpg dexterity_dark_souls.jpg intelligence_dark_souls.jpg faith_dark_souls.jpg divine_dark_souls.jpg occult_dark_souls.jpg physical_defense_dark_souls.jpg magic_defense_dark_souls.jpg fire_defense_dark_souls.jpg lightning_defense_dark_souls.jpg stability_dark_souls.jpg
Magic (green_titanite_shard_dark_soulsx1) 81 87 - - E D C - - - - - - - -
Magic +1 (green_titanite_shard_dark_soulsx1) 86 92 - - E D C - - - - - - - -
Magic +2 (green_titanite_shard_dark_soulsx1) 91 98 - - E D C - - - - - - - -
Magic +3 (green_titanite_shard_dark_soulsx2) 97 104 - - E D C - - - - - - - -
Magic +4 (green_titanite_shard_dark_soulsx2) 102 110 - - E D C - - - - - - - -
Magic +5 (green_titanite_shard_dark_soulsx3) 108 116 - - E D C - - - - - - - -
Magic +6 (blue_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx1) 113 121 - - E D B - - - - - - - -
Magic +7 (blue_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx1) 118 127 - - E D B - - - - - - - -
Magic +8 (blue_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx2) 124 133 - - E D B - - - - - - - -
Magic +9 (blue_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx3) 129 139 - - E D B - - - - - - - -
Magic +10 (blue_titanite_slab_dark_soulsx1) 135 145 - - E D B - - - - - - - -


Enchanted Upgrades are performed by Rickert of Vinheim, found in New Londo Ruins.
Enchanted Upgrade +1 requires a regular +5 weapon. Enchanted +6 requires a Enchanted +5 and to hand in the Large Magic Ember
Enchanted Reinforcement increases the Intelligence bonus at the cost of base magic damage. The weapon can no longer be buffed with Magic Weapon. Scales 3% for strength_dark_souls.jpgStrength, 17% for dexterity_dark_souls.jpg Dexterity and 69% faith_dark_souls.jpg Intelligence to increase your AR.
To reach max, you need: 500 souls, 8 Blue Titanite Chunks to +4 and 1 Blue Titanite Slab to +5

  Attack Values Parameter Bonus Auxiliary Damage Reduction (%) Stability
Claws physical_damage_dark_souls.jpg magic_damage_dark_souls.jpg fire_damage_dark_souls.jpg lightning_damage_dark_souls.jpg strength_dark_souls.jpg dexterity_dark_souls.jpg intelligence_dark_souls.jpg faith_dark_souls.jpg divine_dark_souls.jpg occult_dark_souls.jpg physical_defense_dark_souls.jpg magic_defense_dark_souls.jpg fire_defense_dark_souls.jpg lightning_defense_dark_souls.jpg stability_dark_souls.jpg
Enchanted (blue_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx1) 108 114 - - E E C - - - - - - - -
Enchanted +1 (blue_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx1) 112 117 - - E E B - - - - - - - -
Enchanted +2 (blue_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx1) 116 120 - - E E B - - - - - - - -
Enchanted +3 (blue_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx2) 120 124 - - E E A - - - - - - - -
Enchanted +4 (blue_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx3) 125 127 - - E E A - - - - - - - -
Enchanted +5 (blue_titanite_slab_dark_soulsx1) 129 132 - - E E A - - - - - - - -


Divine Upgrades are performed by Andre of Astora at the Undead Parish.
Divine Upgrades require a regular +5 weapon and to hand in the Divine Ember. Divine +6 upgrades require a Divine Weapon +5 and to hand in the Large Divine Ember.
Divine Reinforcement adds Magic Damage and Faith scaling. Scales 5% for strength_dark_souls.jpgStrength, 33% for  dexterity_dark_souls.jpg Dexterity and 70% faith_dark_souls.jpgFaith to increase your AR.
To reach max, you need: 1,000 souls, 10 Green Titanite Shards, 7 White Titanite Chunks and 1 White Titanite Slab

  Attack Values Parameter Bonus Auxiliary Damage Reduction (%) Stability
Claws physical_damage_dark_souls.jpg magic_damage_dark_souls.jpg fire_damage_dark_souls.jpg lightning_damage_dark_souls.jpg strength_dark_souls.jpg dexterity_dark_souls.jpg intelligence_dark_souls.jpg faith_dark_souls.jpg divine_dark_souls.jpg occult_dark_souls.jpg physical_defense_dark_souls.jpg magic_defense_dark_souls.jpg fire_defense_dark_souls.jpg lightning_defense_dark_souls.jpg stability_dark_souls.jpg
Divine (green_titanite_shard_dark_soulsx1) 72 88 - - E D - C 110 - - - - - -
Divine +1 (green_titanite_shard_dark_soulsx1) 76 94 - - E D - C 110 - - - - - -
Divine +2 (green_titanite_shard_dark_soulsx1) 81 100 - - E D - C 110 - - - - - -
Divine +3 (green_titanite_shard_dark_soulsx2) 86 106 - - E D - C 110 - - - - - -
Divine +4 (green_titanite_shard_dark_soulsx2) 91 112 - - E D - C 110 - - - - - -
Divine +5 (green_titanite_shard_dark_soulsx3) 96 118 - - E D - C 110 - - - - - -
Divine +6 (white_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx1) 100 123 - - E D - C 110 - - - - - -
Divine +7 (white_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx1) 105 129 - - E D - B 110 - - - - - -
Divine +8 (white_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx2) 110 135 - - E D - B 110 - - - - - -
Divine +9 (white_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx3) 115 141 - - E D - B 110 - - - - - -
Divine +10 (white_titanite_slab_dark_soulsx1) 120 147 - - E D - B 110 - - - - - -



Occult Upgrades are performed by Andre of Astora at the Undead Parish.
Occult Upgrades require a Divine+5 weapon and to hand in the Dark Ember.
Occult Reinforcement reduces the base damage but increases Faith scaling. Scales 5% for strength_dark_souls.jpgStrength, 31% for dexterity_dark_souls.jpg Dexterity and 82% faith_dark_souls.jpgFaith to increase your AR.
To reach max, you need: 500 souls, 7 White Titanite Chunks and 1 White Titanite Slab

  Attack Values Parameter Bonus Auxiliary Damage Reduction (%) Stability
Claws physical_damage_dark_souls.jpg magic_damage_dark_souls.jpg fire_damage_dark_souls.jpg lightning_damage_dark_souls.jpg strength_dark_souls.jpg dexterity_dark_souls.jpg intelligence_dark_souls.jpg faith_dark_souls.jpg divine_dark_souls.jpg occult_dark_souls.jpg physical_defense_dark_souls.jpg magic_defense_dark_souls.jpg fire_defense_dark_souls.jpg lightning_defense_dark_souls.jpg stability_dark_souls.jpg
Occult (white_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx1) 100 108 - - E D - B - 110 - - - - -
Occult +1 (white_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx1) 105 113 - - E D - B - 110 - - - - -
Occult +2 (white_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx1) 112 118 - - E D - B - 110 - - - - -
Occult +3 (white_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx2) 117 124 - - E D - B - 110 - - - - -
Occult +4 (white_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx3) 124 129 - - E D - B - 110 - - - - -
Occult +5 (white_titanite_slab_dark_soulsx1) 130 135 - - E D - B - 110 - - - - -


Fire Upgrades are performed by Blacksmith Vamos in The Catacombs.
Fire Upgrades require a regular +5 weapon. Fire+6 requires a Fire+5 weapon and to hand in the Large Flame Ember.
Fire Reinforcement adds Fire Damage but removes all scaling bonuses from the weapon.
To reach max, you need: 1,000 souls, 10 Green Titanite Shards, 7 Red Titanite Chunks and 1 Red Titanite Slab

  Attack Values Parameter Bonus Auxiliary Damage Reduction (%) Stability
Claws physical_damage_dark_souls.jpg magic_damage_dark_souls.jpg fire_damage_dark_souls.jpg lightning_damage_dark_souls.jpg strength_dark_souls.jpg dexterity_dark_souls.jpg intelligence_dark_souls.jpg faith_dark_souls.jpg divine_dark_souls.jpg occult_dark_souls.jpg physical_defense_dark_souls.jpg magic_defense_dark_souls.jpg fire_defense_dark_souls.jpg lightning_defense_dark_souls.jpg stability_dark_souls.jpg
Fire (green_titanite_shard_dark_soulsx1) 93 - 93 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fire +1 (green_titanite_shard_dark_soulsx1) 100 - 100 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fire +2 (green_titanite_shard_dark_soulsx1) 108 - 108 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fire +3 (green_titanite_shard_dark_soulsx2) 115 - 115 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fire +4 (green_titanite_shard_dark_soulsx2) 122 - 122 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fire +5 (green_titanite_shard_dark_soulsx3) 129 - 129 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fire +6 (red_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx1) 138 - 138 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fire +7 (red_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx1) 146 - 146 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fire +8 (red_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx2) 155 - 155 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fire +9 (red_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx3) 164 - 164 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fire +10 (red_titanite_slab_dark_soulsx1) 172 - 172 - - - - - - - - - - - -


Chaos Upgrades are performed by Blacksmith Vamos in The Catacombs.
Chaos Upgrades require a Fire+5 weapon and to hand in the Chaos Flame Ember
Fire Reinforcement reduces Fire Damage but adds a bonus based on the Humanity you hold.
To reach max, you need: 500 souls, 7 Red Titanite Chunks and 1 Red Titanite Slab

  Attack Values Parameter Bonus Auxiliary Damage Reduction (%) Stability
Claws physical_damage_dark_souls.jpg magic_damage_dark_souls.jpg fire_damage_dark_souls.jpg lightning_damage_dark_souls.jpg strength_dark_souls.jpg dexterity_dark_souls.jpg intelligence_dark_souls.jpg faith_dark_souls.jpg divine_dark_souls.jpg occult_dark_souls.jpg physical_defense_dark_souls.jpg magic_defense_dark_souls.jpg fire_defense_dark_souls.jpg lightning_defense_dark_souls.jpg stability_dark_souls.jpg
Chaos (red_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx1) 113 - 129 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Chaos +1 (red_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx1) 119 - 136 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Chaos +2 (red_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx1) 126 - 144 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Chaos +3 (red_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx2) 132 - 151 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Chaos +4 (red_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx3) 138 - 158 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Chaos +5 (red_titanite_slab_dark_soulsx1) 144 - 165 - - - - - - - - - - - -

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