Divine Hammer
npc placeholder
icon level icon vitality icon attunement icon endurance icon vitality
    19 25 40
strength dark souls icon dexterity icon intelligence icon faith icon resistance
40 14   50  

This is a player-created Build for Dark Souls. If you want help making your own build, you can consult this useful page on how to make a build by Blaine.

  • Build Name: Divine Hammer
  • Build Level:
  • Build Focus: PvE or PvP
  • Build Main Stats:
  • Link to Dark Souls Calculator: Add link here.


Build Equipment


Grant, weighs 24 lbs, this weapon is nice to have around and fully upgraded can deal a lot of damage, the only downside is it has the r2 replaced by a crappy wrath of the gods.
Great Demon's Hammer, weighs 22 lbs, also nice to have due to high str scaling, mix with sunlight blade at +15 for good results.
Dragon's Tooth, weighs 18 lbs, a nice weapon if only for the fact that at +5 with lightning blade has an attack rating around 800. Sadly outdone by the dragon king greataxe at +5. Although this can be used 1 handed.
Demon Great Machete, weighs 18 lbs, a nice sword that can be upgraded normally with a unique r2 attack that does not suck.
Dragon King Greataxe, weighs 24 lbs, one of the better weapons you can use due to it having a grotesque attack rating, and it's r2 is not too bad either, for best results use with lightning blade.
Zweihader, weighs 10 lbs, a very nice sword to have a round with a good moveset and low requirements.
Greatsword, wieghs 12 lbs, in my opinion better than the zweihander in every aspect but length
Murakumo, weighs 12 lbs, a curved sword that has a great moveset and also causes bleed. For long battles this will eventually outdamage most of the other options here
Claymore, weighs 5.5 lbs, a very versatile weapon that can be used very early on.
Lucerne, weighs 5.5 lbs, a nice polarm thats different from the most in that it does piercing damage, which most armors are not as good against as other options like strike or slash. Its double spin 2 handed r2 is also nice for crowd control as it will hit twice and it covers a good area.
Giant's Halberd, in my opinion the best halberd in the game due to it's moveset. and the fact it's a lightning weapon with scaling. Can use 1 handed.
Heavy Crossbow, a very useful weapon to use in your left hand, can be aimed with the binoculars, and can get up to a very high attack rating when upgraded with next to no scaling, use with divine upgrades or elemental upgrades for the best result.
Avelyne, this crossbow kicks ass, period

Other very useful weapons include...

Astora Straightsword, outdone by most weapons but it's moveset is nice and it's divine element is stronger than most.
Lightning Spear, eventually outdone but nice to have with you due to its lightwieghtness and versatility
Stone Greatsword, it has TWoP as it's 2handed r2. If i cant use TWoP i can still use this, sadly the range isnt that good. It would only be for the situations yo know you can get away with.
Uchigatana, since you do have 14 dex this is a viable option.
Balder Sidesword, I heard this weapon has a great moveset
Shotel, ignores shields
Great Scythe and Lifehunt Scythe, with that 14 dex so many weapons open up and these two are great to have
Whip, this build can also use the whip, even though it's kinda crap, you could make it lightning and it would be ok...


Divine Upgrades, most of your upgrades will be this as your faith will be at max PvP level, also very good for skeletons
Occult Upgrades, even better than divine if not for the fact that it cant kill skeletons for good, although for PvP i opt for this rather than divine.
Fire and Lightning, no scaling at all, so using this with weapons that you have poor scaling in anyways is a good idea. They do great damage for the kind of weapons you'll be using.
Chaos, humanity scaling, not sure if that good as I never tried it before, but should be included anyways due to its unique nature.


Dragoncrest Sheild: this shield will carry you through the first part of the game up until you can get the giants and havels gear.
Grass Crest Sheild: Along with mask of the child, this alleviates the slow stamina regen when wearing heavy armor, and it is a blessing to have, a medium shield with 98% physical damage reduction and it regens stamina! A great sheild that can last you the whole game.
Iron Round Shield: the best shield you could have, probably one of the lightest heavy deflection shield and the only one that can parry, which makes life a whole lot easier. Opt this over greatshields unless its the Astora Greatshield
Astora Greatshield: the best shield ever, screw parrying. This shield is completely ridiculous on all accounts.
Sanctus and Bloodsheild: both medium sheilds for niche situations, Blood shield for places like blighttown and the depth. Sanctus for turtling or letting yourself heal while idling.


Paladin's Set, LEEEEROOOOY JEEEENKINS! Ahem. Sadly this armor's damage resistance isn't as good as I had hoped. It's still pretty good but at only .5 lbs less usually per piece from the much superior Giant's Set. I only use the helmet for its curse resistance. Which is VERY nice.
Giant's Set, the best damage resistance in the entire game (except like 1 aspect which CAN be negligable), it alos looks nice with decent poise. Comparable to paladin's set poise. Sadly it offers 0 curse resistasnce.
Havel's Set, amazing poise, too bad it cant be upgraded and it has crushing weight. Good resistances too. If only I could upgrade this thing it would be the best ever made.
Xanathous Set, needs to be spoken of here, if you need the extra carrying capacity, these things are great. No poise but little weight and great defence, the headgear gets special mention, being ridiculous and with 100 curse resistance basically means carrying around like, 5 humanity.
Elite Knights, this can carry you to anor londo, and the chest piece the rest of the game
Black Iron Set, This is a great armor set to use, it is actually a sidegrade to the giants set in regards to the black iron set having some better defences and better resistances.
Eastern Set, special mention to this, lightwieght and pretty decent at defences taboot
Royal Helm, i think this might be the best helmet in the game fully upgraded... Not sure tho...
Catarina Armor Set, this set has great defence and poise for low weight, at +5 its grand to have. Especially the legs
Armor of Favor, like the set above.

For Spells

Canvas Talismen or Sunlight Talismen: basically the same talismen, but they can both carry you through anything
Darkmoon Talismen: the best talismen in the game
Pyromancy is not necessary nor recommended for this build since its nerfing, except for non NG+ PvE

Spells, your going to have 5 spell slots

Miracles, these are your butter to your bread, if your bread is your melee and armor capabilities, its whole wheat bread toasted to a nice golden brown, and your miracles are that butter with some nutmeg in it that you spread on it all melty. It just makes the build better.

Sunlight Spear: 2 spell slots for 6 shots of lightning damage that can do upwards of 800 damage. This outwieghs the 10 charge greater lightning spear, but each one counts.
Greater Lightning Spear: 1 Slot, if you could get multiples of this I would take 20 G. Lightning Spears of 6 Sunlight Spears due to it being able to out damage it in the long run. But this will carry you through until you get Sunlight Spear.
Lightning Spear: Use this until you get the G. Spear.
Wrath of the Gods: a very nice spell to have with 400+ damage in 360 degrees. Multiples of this can be ridiculous with it's instant cast. Think of this as a damaging magical shield bubble.
Emit Force: an upgrade to force due to it being a projectile and doing decent damage. Unfortunatly it has a long cast time making it slightly less useful than Wrath of the Gods even though it can out damage it eventually.
Force: no damage but a faster cast time and more range than WoTG. I reccomend the***** out of this.
Greater Heal: this spell will be the thing that keeps you alive, count it as 3 more estus flask units.
Heal: Use this until you get greater heal.
Replenishment: I use this as kind of a safety net, if I need to turtle I can and this is just nice to have.
Sunlight Blade: mix with +5 dragon weps or +15 weapons for attack ratings of about 800+. I think this iwht 50 daith and a +5 Dragon King Gaxe has about 1000 attack rating.
Homeward: use this when farming dark anor londo.
Tender Walk of Peace: this spell is great to have around if using slower weapons, or avelyn for some rage kills.

Pyromancy, use only for PvE during your first run, not NG+. By that time it loses most of its usefullness.

Firestorm: long casting time but great range and great damage
Iron Flesh: Your bread and butter in full havels until NG+ when tanking becomes useless and you become a hard to kill faith/str build rather than a tank.


Havel's Ring: makes moving much easier. Use this when you need nothing else special
Ring of Favor And Protection: This will be your dedicated ring for most of the game. Only take it off if your confident but its basically an extra 20 soul levels shoved into one ring. It's too good to be true.
Darkwood Grain Ring: Use this if your going for a lower wieght varient of this build. It's incredibly usefull but this build does not depend on nor needs that fast a movement.

This is the finalized version. I hope you have fun with it.


Build Strategy

This build, like my other builds on the Demon's Souls wiki pages start as a work in progress so this page will be incomplete until the build is finished.
What This Build is For/Tries to Do.
This build is meant to combine the now viable strategy of tanking blows with the good defences of fully upgraded armor as well as the versatility of weapons and miracles available to you.
That was the plan, it turned into basically a faith/strength hybrid that has a lot of weapon usage, very hard to use and even harder to pull off with a lot of variability.



Dexless Dabbler

  1. Vit: ~40, this goes with the ring of favor and protection, to bring me up to an equivalent of Vit 55 HP levels.
  2. Att ~16, Thier is no need for too many spells, but having a lot of miracles at your disposal only helps.
  3. End ~40,
  4. Str ~40, For 1 handed dragons tooth, greatsword, zweihander, murakumo, and others. Allows 2 handing the Dragon King Greataxe
  5. Dex ~base
  6. Int- 22, for cast light, g. soul arrow and oolacile sorcery as well as whatever fits
  7. Faith ~ 28, wotg only
  8. Res ~ 13

This varient is more or less if you want to dabble less in different weapons and more in heavier stuff and magic, faith is strictly for WotG. Hopefully attuned 4 times.

Vitality Buffed

  1. Vit: ~60,
  2. Att ~19, Thier is no need for too many spells, but having a lot of miracles at your disposal only helps.
  3. End ~31, This is a tad on the low side as far as things go, but with Havel's Ring and the Ring of Favor and protection, it is not a big problem.
  4. Str ~20, For 1 handed lighter weapons, 2 handed zweihader and greatsword.
  5. Dex ~base
  6. Int Base, at base because this build does not focus on sorcery, although I wish that sl 125 was not the pvp level so I could get cast light, due to its usefullness, as well as other oolacile sorceries.
  7. Faith ~ 50, high damage and healing, and for sunlight spear
  8. Res ~ base, your armor takes care of this

This varient is for more hp for more leeway. And more endurance for the same reason at a cut of str and dex.

The Dragonslayer

  1. Vit: ~50,
  2. Att ~19, Thier is no need for too many spells, but having a lot of miracles at your disposal only helps.
  3. End ~50,
  4. Str ~20, For 1 handed dragonslayer spear
  5. Dex ~20,
  6. Int Base, at base because this build does not focus on sorcery, although I wish that sl 125 was not the pvp level so I could get cast light, due to its usefullness, as well as other oolacile sorceries.
  7. Faith ~ 28, again only for wotg
  8. Res ~ 12

Made specifically for the dragonslayer spear only. With faith to help a bit here and there of course... Good thing the spear has great scaling all around.

The Washingpole

  1. Vit: ~40, this goes with the ring of favor and protection, to bring me up to an equivalent of Vit 55 HP levels.
  2. Att ~19, Thier is no need for too many spells, but having a lot of miracles at your disposal only helps.
  3. End ~35, This is a tad on the low side as far as things go, but with Havel's Ring and the Ring of Favor and protection, it is not a big problem.
  4. Str ~34, For astora greatshield
  5. Dex ~20,
  6. Int Base, at base because this build does not focus on sorcery, although I wish that sl 125 was not the pvp level so I could get cast light, due to its usefullness, as well as other oolacile sorceries.
  7. Faith ~ 40, high damage and healing,
  8. Res ~ base, your armor takes care of this

Use with a lightning washingpole for success.

The Flip

(starting class pyromancer)

  1. Vit: ~40, this goes with the ring of favor and protection, to bring me up to an equivalent of Vit 55 HP levels.
  2. Att ~19, Thier is no need for too many spells, but having a lot of miracles at your disposal only helps.
  3. End ~25, This is a tad on the low side as far as things go, but with Havel's Ring and the Ring of Favor and protection, it is not a big problem.
  4. Str ~40, For 1 handed dragons tooth, greatsword, zweihander, murakumo, and others. Allows 2 handing the Dragon King Greataxe
  5. Dex ~14, 14 for use of avelyn, the scythes, and uchi
  6. Int ~50, can anyone say crystals everywhere?
  7. Faith ~ base
  8. Res ~ base, your armor takes care of this

Flips this around to be a magic build instead.

Low Vitality

  1. Vit: ~35, this goes with the ring of favor and protection, to bring me up to an equivalent of Vit ~48 HP levels.
  2. Att ~19, Thier is no need for too many spells, but having a lot of miracles at your disposal only helps.
  3. End ~30, This is a tad on the low side as far as things go, but with Havel's Ring and the Ring of Favor and protection, it is not a big problem.
  4. Str ~40, For 1 handed dragons tooth, greatsword, zweihander, murakumo, and others. Allows 2 handing the Dragon King Greataxe
  5. Dex ~14, 14 for use of avelyn, the scythes, and uchi
  6. Int Base, at base because this build does not focus on sorcery, although I wish that sl 125 was not the pvp level so I could get cast light, due to its usefullness, as well as other oolacile sorceries.
  7. Faith ~ 50, high damage and healing, and for sunlight spear
  8. Res ~ base, your armor takes care of this

For getting some better endurance.

Spell Slinger

  1. Vit: ~40, this goes with the ring of favor and protection, to bring me up to an equivalent of Vit 55 HP levels.
  2. Att ~23, Thier is no need for too many spells, but having a lot of miracles at your disposal only helps.
  3. End ~40, This is a tad on the low side as far as things go, but with Havel's Ring and the Ring of Favor and protection, it is not a big problem.
  4. Str ~31, For 2 handed dragons tooth
  5. Dex ~14, 14 for use of avelyn, the scythes, and uchi
  6. Int Base, at base because this build does not focus on sorcery, although I wish that sl 125 was not the pvp level so I could get cast light, due to its usefullness, as well as other oolacile sorceries.
  7. Faith ~ 40, high damage and healing
  8. Res ~ base, your armor takes care of this

6 spell slots, great when also using pyromancy.

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