effigy shield

Effigy Shield +15

physical damage dark souls 182 critical dark souls 100
magic damage dark souls 137(147) stability dark souls 56
fire damage dark souls 175(175) durability dark souls 150
lightning damage dark souls 182(182) weight dark souls 3.0
Requirements & Bonus
strength dark souls dexterity dark souls intelligence dark souls faith dark souls
10 - 16
Weapon Type Small Shield
Attack Type Strike
Enchantable Yes
Special No

*When infused with Magic: 137 Physical dmg/147 Magic dmg; with Fire: 175 Physical dmg/175 Fire dmg; with Lightning: 182 Physical dmg/182 Lightning dmg.

Effigy Shield is a Shield in Dark Souls and Dark Souls Remastered.


"Frightful occult shield. Defends against divine weapons and lightning.
In an ill-fated plot to destroy the very gods, the followers of the occult once attempted to steal the power of Gravelord Nito, the first of the dead."


How to Get / Where to Find The Effigy Shield


Hints and Tips:

  • The Effigy Shield sports the highest cummulative Damage reduction out of all Small and Medium Shields, and the highest Lightning damage reduction out of all shields in the game.
  • This shield was one of the winners of the Shield Design Contest for Dark Souls 1. It bears a striking resemblance to the Xenomorph of the Alien film franchise.


Youtube relevant videos:

  • N/A


Effigy Shield Upgrade Table

standard upgrade dark souls icon s
crystal upgrade dark souls icon s
lightning upgrade dark souls icon s
magic upgrade dark souls icon s
divine upgrade dark souls icon s
fire upgrade dark souls icon s 


Overview table for all Upgrades at regular, max and threshold levels. Click on the tabs to see individual upgrade paths in detail. Use this table to quickly compare performance.

  Attack Values Parameter Bonus Auxiliary Damage Reduction (%) Stability
Effigy Shield physical damage dark souls magic damage dark souls fire damage dark souls lightning damage dark souls strength dark souls dexterity dark souls intelligence dark souls faith dark souls divine dark souls physical defense dark souls magic defense dark souls fire defense dark souls lightning defense dark souls stability dark souls
Regular 60 - - - D - - - - 90 40 70 90 45
Regular +5 75 - - - D - - - - 90 40 70 90 49
Regular +10 93 - - - D - - - - 90 40 70 90 54
Regular +14 109 - - - D - - - - 90 40 70 90 55
Regular +15 120 - - - D - - - - 90 40 70 90 56
Crystal 93 - - - D - - - - 90 40 70 90 56
Crystal +4 105 - - - D - - - - 90 40 70 90 57
Crystal +5 109 - - - D - - - - 90 40 70 90 58
Lightning 93 - - 93 - - - - - 90 40 70 90 45
Lightning +4 109 - - 109 - - - - - 90 40 70 90 45
Lightning +5 120 - - 120 - - - - - 90 40 70 90 45
Magic 56 61 - - E - D - - 90 40 70 90 45
Magic +5 69 75 - - E - D - - 90 46 70 90 45
Magic +9 82 89 - - E - D - - 90 50.8 70 90 45
Magic +10 90 98 - - E - D - - 90 52 70 90 45
Divine 51 62 - - E - D - 110 90 40 70 90 45
Divine +5 63 77 - - E - D - 110 90 40 70 90 45
Divine +9 75 91 - - E - D - 110 90 40 70 90 45
Divine +10 82 100 - - E - D - 110 90 40 70 90 45
Fire 75 - 75 - - - - - - 90 40 70 90 45
Fire +5 93 - 75 - - - - - - 90 40 77 90 45
Fire +9 109 - 109 - - - - - - 90 40 82.6 90 45
Fire +10 120 - 120 - - - - - - 90 40 84 90 45


Regular Upgrades are performed by Andre of Astora at the Undead Parish
Regular +6 requires a regular +5 weapon and to hand in the Large Ember. Regular +11 requires a regular +10 weapon and to hand in the Very Large Ember
Regular Reinforcement Scales 31% for strength dark soulsStrength to increase your AR.
To reach max, you need: 3,000 souls, 9 titanite shards to +5, 9 large titanite shards to +10, 7 titanite chunks to +14 and 1 titanite slab to +15.

  Attack Values Parameter Bonus Auxiliary Damage Reduction (%) Stability
Effigy Shield physical damage dark souls magic damage dark souls fire damage dark souls lightning damage dark souls strength dark souls dexterity dark souls intelligence dark souls faith dark souls divine dark souls occult dark souls physical defense dark souls magic defense dark souls fire defense dark souls lightning defense dark souls stability dark souls
Regular 60 - - - D - - - - - 90 40 70 90 45
Regular +1 (titanite shard dark souls sx1) 62 - - - D - - - - - 90 40 70 90 45
Regular +2 (titanite shard dark souls sx1) 66 - - - D - - - - - 90 40 70 90 46
Regular +3 (titanite shard dark souls sx2) 69 - - - D - - - - - 90 40 70 90 47
Regular +4 (titanite shard dark souls sx2) 72 - - - D - - - - - 90 40 70 90 48
Regular +5 (titanite shard dark souls sx3) 75 - - - D - - - - - 90 40 70 90 49
Regular +6 (large titanite shard dark souls sx1) 78 - - - D - - - - - 90 40 70 90 50
Regular +7 (large titanite shard dark souls sx1) 82 - - - D - - - - - 90 40 70 90 51
Regular +8 (large titanite shard dark souls sx2) 85 - - - D - - - - - 90 40 70 90 52
Regular +9 (large titanite shard dark souls sx2) 89 - - - D - - - - - 90 40 70 90 53
Regular +10 (large titanite shard dark souls sx3) 93 - - - D - - - - - 90 40 70 90 54
Regular +11 (titanite chunk dark souls sx1) 97 - - - D - - - - - 90 40 70 90 54
Regular +12 (titanite chunk dark souls sx1) 101 - - - D - - - - - 90 40 70 90 54
Regular +13 (titanite chunk dark souls sx2) 105 - - - D - - - - - 90 40 70 90 55
Regular +14 (titanite chunk dark souls sx3) 109 - - - D - - - - - 90 40 70 90 55
Regular +15 (titanite slab dark souls sx1) 120 - - - D - - - - - 90 40 70 90 56


Crystal Upgrades are performed by the Giant Blacksmith at Anor Londo.
Crystal Upgrades require a regular +10 weapon and to hand in the Crystal Ember.
Crystal Reinforcement reduces weapon Durability by 18, but increases base damage.  It scales 31% for strength dark soulsStrength  to increase your AR.
To reach max, you need: 1000 souls, 8 titanite chunks to +4 and 1 titanite slab to +5.

  Attack Values Parameter Bonus Auxiliary Damage Reduction (%) Stability
Effigy Shield physical damage dark souls magic damage dark souls fire damage dark souls lightning damage dark souls strength dark souls dexterity dark souls intelligence dark souls faith dark souls divine dark souls occult dark souls physical defense dark souls magic defense dark souls fire defense dark souls lightning defense dark souls stability dark souls
Crystal (titanite chunk dark souls sx1) 93 - - - D - - - - - 90 40 70 90 56
Crystal +1 (titanite chunk dark souls sx1) 97 - - - D - - - - - 90 40 70 90 56
Crystal +2 (titanite chunk dark souls sx1) 101 - - - D - - - - - 90 40 70 90 57
Crystal +3 (titanite chunk dark souls sx2) 105 - - - D - - - - - 90 40 70 90 57
Crystal +4 (titanite chunk dark souls sx3) 109 - - - D - - - - - 90 40 70 90 58
Crystal +5 (titanite slab dark souls sx1) 120 - - - D - - - - - 90 40 70 90 58


Lightning Upgrades are performed by the Giant Blacksmith at Anor Londo.
Lightning Upgrades require a regular +10 weapon, but no special Ember is required.
Lightning Reinforcement removes all scaling but adds Lightning Damage
To reach max, you need: 1000 souls, 8 titanite chunks to +4 and 1 titanite slab to +5.

  Attack Values Parameter Bonus Auxiliary Damage Reduction (%) Stability
Effigy Shield physical damage dark souls magic damage dark souls fire damage dark souls lightning damage dark souls strength dark souls dexterity dark souls intelligence dark souls faith dark souls divine dark souls occult dark souls physical defense dark souls magic defense dark souls fire defense dark souls lightning defense dark souls stability dark souls
Lightning (titanite chunk dark souls sx1) 93 - - 93 - - - - - - 90 40 70 90 45
Lightning +1 (titanite chunk dark souls sx1) 97 - - 97 - - - - - - 90 40 70 90 45
Lightning +2 (titanite chunk dark souls sx1) 101 - - 101 - - - - - - 90 40 70 90 45
Lightning +3 (titanite chunk dark souls sx2) 105 - - 105 - - - - - - 90 40 70 90 45
Lightning +4 (titanite chunk dark souls sx3) 109 - - 109 - - - - - - 90 40 70 90 45
Lightning +5 (titanite slab dark souls sx1) 120 - - 120 - - - - - - 90 40 70 90 45


Magic Upgrades are performed by Rickert of Vinheim, found in New Londo Ruins
Magic Upgrade +1 requires a regular +5 weapon. Magic +6 requires a Magic +5 and to hand in the Large Magic Ember.
Magic Reinforcement adds Magic Damage and an Intelligence bonus. The weapon can no longer be buffed with Magic Weapon. Scales 8% for strength dark soulsStrength and 22% faith dark souls Intelligence to increase your AR. 
To reach max, you need: 2,000 souls, 10 Green Titanite Shards to +5, 7 Blue Titanite Chunks to +14 and 1 Blue Titanite Slab to +15.

  Attack Values Parameter Bonus Auxiliary Damage Reduction (%) Stability
Effigy Shield physical damage dark souls magic damage dark souls fire damage dark souls lightning damage dark souls strength dark souls dexterity dark souls intelligence dark souls faith dark souls divine dark souls occult dark souls physical defense dark souls magic defense dark souls fire defense dark souls lightning defense dark souls stability dark souls
Magic (green titanite shard dark souls sx1) 56 61 - - E - D - - - 90 40 70 90 45
Magic +1 (green titanite shard dark souls sx1) 58 64 - - E - D - - - 90 41.2 70 90 45
Magic +2 (green titanite shard dark souls sx1) 61 67 - - E - D - - - 90 42.4 70 90 45
Magic +3 (green titanite shard dark souls sx2) 64 70 - - E - D - - - 90 43.6 70 90 45
Magic +4 (green titanite shard dark souls sx2) 67 73 - - E - D - - - 90 44.8 70 90 45
Magic +5 (green titanite shard dark souls sx3) 69 75 - - E - D - - - 90 46 70 90 45
Magic +6 (blue titanite chunk dark souls sx1) 72 79 - - E - D - - - 90 47.2 70 90 45
Magic +7 (blue titanite chunk dark souls sx1) 76 82 - - E - D - - - 90 48.4 70 90 45
Magic +8 (blue titanite chunk dark souls sx2) 79 86 - - E - D - - - 90 49.6 70 90 45
Magic +9 (blue titanite chunk dark souls sx3) 82 89 - - E - D - - - 90 50.8 70 90 45
Magic +10 (blue titanite slab dark souls sx1) 90 98 - - E - D - - - 90 52 70 90 45


Divine Upgrades are performed by Andre of Astora at the Undead Parish
Divine Upgrades require a regular +5 weapon and to hand in the Divine Ember. Divine +6 upgrades require a Divine Weapon +5 and to hand in the Large Divine Ember
Divine Reinforcement adds Magic Damage and Faith scaling. Scales 10% for strength dark soulsStrength and 25% faith dark soulsFaith to increase your AR.
To reach max, you need: 2000 souls, 10 Green Titanite Shards, 7 White Titanite Chunks and 1 White Titanite Slab.

  Attack Values Parameter Bonus Auxiliary Damage Reduction (%) Stability
Effigy Shield physical damage dark souls magic damage dark souls fire damage dark souls lightning damage dark souls strength dark souls dexterity dark souls intelligence dark souls faith dark souls divine dark souls occult dark souls physical defense dark souls magic defense dark souls fire defense dark souls lightning defense dark souls stability dark souls
Divine (green titanite shard dark souls sx1) 51 62 - - E - D - 110 - 90 40 70 90 45
Divine +1 (green titanite shard dark souls sx1) 53 65 - - E - D - 110 - 90 40 70 90 45
Divine +2 (green titanite shard dark souls sx1) 56 68 - - E - D - 110 - 90 40 70 90 45
Divine +3 (green titanite shard dark souls sx2) 58 71 - - E - D - 110 - 90 40 70 90 45
Divine +4 (green titanite shard dark souls sx2) 61 74 - - E - D - 110 - 90 40 70 90 45
Divine +5 (green titanite shard dark souls sx3) 63 77 - - E - D - 110 - 90 40 70 90 45
Divine +6 (white titanite chunk dark souls sx1) 66 81 - - E - D - 110 - 90 40 70 90 45
Divine +7 (white titanite chunk dark souls sx1) 69 84 - - E - D - 110 - 90 40 70 90 45
Divine +8 (white titanite chunk dark souls sx2) 72 88 - - E - D - 110 - 90 40 70 90 45
Divine +9 (white titanite chunk dark souls sx3) 75 91 - - E - D - 110 - 90 40 70 90 45
Divine +10 (white titanite slab dark souls sx1) 82 100 - - E - D - 110 - 90 40 70 90 45


Fire Upgrades are performed by Blacksmith Vamos in The Catacombs.
Fire Upgrades require a regular +5 weapon. Fire +6 requires a Fire +5 weapon and to hand in the Large Flame Ember.
Fire Reinforcement adds Fire Damage but removes all scaling bonuses from the weapon.
To reach max, you need: 2000 souls, 10 Green Titanite Shards, 7 Red Titanite Chunks and 1 Red Titanite Slab.

  Attack Values Parameter Bonus Auxiliary Damage Reduction (%) Stability
Effigy Shield physical damage dark souls magic damage dark souls fire damage dark souls lightning damage dark souls strength dark souls dexterity dark souls intelligence dark souls faith dark souls divine dark souls occult dark souls physical defense dark souls magic defense dark souls fire defense dark souls lightning defense dark souls stability dark souls
Fire (green titanite shard dark souls sx1) 75 - 75 - - - - - - - 90 40 70 90 45
Fire +1 (green titanite shard dark souls sx1) 78 - 78 - - - - - - - 90 40 71.4 90 45
Fire +2 (green titanite shard dark souls sx1) 82 - 82 - - - - - - - 90 40 72.8 90 45
Fire +3 (green titanite shard dark souls sx2) 85 - 85 - - - - - - - 90 40 74.2 90 45
Fire +4 (green titanite shard dark souls sx2) 89 - 89 - - - - - - - 90 40 75.6 90 45
Fire +5 (green titanite shard dark souls sx3) 93 - 93 - - - - - - - 90 40 77 90 45
Fire +6 (red titanite chunk dark souls sx1) 97 - 97 - - - - - - - 90 40 78.4 90 45
Fire +7 (red titanite chunk dark souls sx1) 101 - 101 - - - - - - - 90 40 79.8 90 45
Fire +8 (red titanite chunk dark souls sx2) 105 - 105 - - - - - - - 90 40 81.2 90 45
Fire +9 (red titanite chunk dark souls sx3) 109 - 109 - - - - - - - 90 40 82.6 90 45
Fire +10 (red titanite slab dark souls sx1) 120 - 120 - - - - - - - 90 40 84 90 45


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    • Anonymous

      If you like dressing like darkwraiths but hate using darkhand as a shield, this is a great one to match the set. Of course darkwraiths dont actually use it so it lacks the accuracy, but the overall vibes are almost perfect.

      • Anonymous

        So it mentions it defends against Divine weapons, that just flavor text or does it have some special modifier for any weapon on the divine upgrade path for PvP or something?

        • Anonymous

          The skeletons strewn about the chamber right before the Nito boss fight could possibly be the followers of the occult mentioned in this items description. Very cool detail!!!

          • Anonymous

            It looks more like a charm from Hollow Knight than a Xenomorph, even tho that Hollow Knight wasn't released when Dark Souls came out.

            • Anonymous

              Choose between Normal +15 for a much stronger block or Fire +10 to negate most damage. Do not use Magic +10 or use this shield without 18+ Faith, the Stability will suffer for very little gain. Use Great Magic Barrier to deal with Magic instead.

              The only shield comparable to this is Gargoyle's Shield which is one point heavier but has much better stability with no Faith requirement. They're very similar otherwise, outside the stupidly high Lightning reduction of this shield.

              • Anonymous

                Sadly i have notice that the Effigy Shield doesn't have a faster parry animation like the others small shields, i think is because of its weight or something.

                • Anonymous

                  Ever notice that the "first of the dead" and the gravelords in general never get mentioned in
                  Games 2 and 3?

                  • Anonymous

                    What did the Occult want with the Rite of Kindling? Clearly, it had some importance in causing harming to the Gods in some way but I don’t know how. Probably they figured it was a weapon or maybe it has some unspecified magical properties that can be made into a weapon. Maybe the Dark Ember was created somehow using information on the Rite of Kindling? Maybe someone figured out a way to turn burning humanity into a blacksmiths ember that could infuse divine weapons with god slaying powers. Maybe the Dark Ember was lost before it could be put to use and is reason all the Divine Blacksmiths are turned to stone? I don’t know, I’m just theorizing but it would make sense. One of the Divine Blacksmiths retreated into the painted world to setup a workshop for creating god slaying weapons but something went wrong and/or the Gods killed them all somehow in one move. If you think about it, it all makes sense for all the Divine Blacksmiths are cradling an ember and each one is tied to Divine smithing. To make an Occult weapon, you need to infuse a Divine at +5. They’re all tied together somehow and would explain why they’re all dead. The gods didn’t want such power to go to humankind.

                    • Anonymous

                      Surprisingly good on the fire-path. Magic isn’t too common, and having 3 blocking percentages above 80% is pretty good

                      • Anonymous

                        Best parry shield holds highest reductions and stability between small shield classes great for pvp. Either go for a regular +15 for stability or maybe consider a magic +10 to i crease the poor magic reduction.

                        • Anonymous

                          Attempted to defeat the gods... Sought the power of Gravelord Nito... Coming back from DS3, I can't help but wonder if this shield belonged to whatever clan Aldrich descended from, considering his title and the fact that his catalyst reproduces the image of the Gravelord Sword...

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