Witch Cloak

witch cloak
icon prot phy 51.1 icon res poise 0
icon prot strike 51.1 icon res bleed 37.8
icon prot slash 56.8 icon res poison 37.8
icon prot thrust 51.1 icon res curse 15.2
icon prot magi 66.7 icon other dura 250
icon prot fire 31 icon other weig 4.0
icon prot lightn 40.3    

Witch Cloak is a Chest Armor in Dark Souls. A cloak worn by the rogue witch Beatrice, part of the Witch Set. Unlike most magic users who studied at Dragon School, Beatrice was an exception. She ventured into the Abyss but did not survive to recount her journey. Witch Cloak is an armor piece worn over or around the player's torso to obtain an increase of defense and resistance. It also changes the appearance as well when it is equipped.


"Cloak of the rogue witch Beatrice. Almost all magic users that employ catalysts studied at Dragon School, but Beatrice is one of the few exceptions. She braved the Abyss but did not live to tell of her ordeal."

Dark Souls Witch Cloak Information


Where to Find \ Location Witch Cloak in Dark Souls


Witch Cloak Notes & Tips in Dark Souls

  • Notes and tips go here.


Dark Souls Witch Cloak Upgrade Table


icon prot phy icon prot strike icon prot slash icon prot thrust icon prot magi icon prot fire icon prot lightn icon res bleed icon res poison icon res curse icon res poise



+0 33 33 37 33 43 20 26 36 36 12 0 - -
+1 35.6 35.6 39.6 35.6 46.4 21.6 28.1 37.8 37.8 12.6 0 200 Twinkling Titanite x1
+2 39.3 39.3 43.6 39.3 51.2 23.8 30.9 39.2 39.2 13.1 0 200 Twinkling Titanite x1
+3 42.6 42.6 47.3 42.6 55.5 25.8 33.5 41 41 13.7 0 200 Twinkling Titanite x2
+4 45.9 45.9 50.9 45.9 59.8 27.8 36.1 42.5 42.5 14.2 0 200 Twinkling Titanite x2
+5 51.1 51.1 56.8 51.1 66.7 31 40.3 45.7 45.7 15.2 0 200 Twinkling Titanite x4


All Chest Armor in Dark Souls
Antiquated Dress  ♦  Armor of Artorias  ♦  Armor of the Glorious  ♦  Armor of the Sun  ♦  Armor of Thorns  ♦  Balder Armor  ♦  Black Cleric Robe  ♦  Black Iron Armor  ♦  Black Knight Armor  ♦  Black Leather Armor  ♦  Black Sorcerer Cloak  ♦  Brass Armor  ♦  Brigand Armor  ♦  Catarina Armor  ♦  Chain Armor  ♦  Chester's Long Coat  ♦  Cleric Armor  ♦  Crimson Robe  ♦  Crystalline Armor  ♦  Dark Armor  ♦  Dingy Robe  ♦  Eastern Armor  ♦  Elite Knight Armor  ♦  Embraced Armor of Favor  ♦  Giant Armor  ♦  Gold-Hemmed Black Cloak  ♦  Golem Armor  ♦  Gough's Armor  ♦  Guardian Armor  ♦  Hard Leather Armor  ♦  Havel's Armor  ♦  Hollow Soldier Armor  ♦  Hollow Thief's Leather Armor  ♦  Hollow Warrior Armor  ♦  Holy Robe  ♦  Knight Armor  ♦  Leather Armor  ♦  Maiden Robe  ♦  Moonlight Robe  ♦  Ornstein's Armor  ♦  Painting Guardian Robe  ♦  Paladin Armor  ♦  Robe of the Channelers  ♦  Robe of the Great Lord  ♦  Sage Robe  ♦  Shadow Garb  ♦  Silver Knight Armor  ♦  Smough's Armor  ♦  Sorcerer Cloak  ♦  Steel Armor  ♦  Stone Armor  ♦  Tattered Cloth Robe  ♦  Wanderer Coat  ♦  Xanthous Overcoat

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