grass crest shield
Grass Crest Shield+15

physical damage dark souls 124 critical dark souls 100
magic damage dark souls 94(100) stability dark souls 63
fire damage dark souls 113(124) durability dark souls 200
lightning damage dark souls 124(124) weight dark souls 3
Requirements & Bonus
strength dark souls dexterity dark souls intelligence dark souls faith dark souls
10 -
Weapon Type Standard Shield
Attack Type Strike
Enchantable Yes
Special Yes

*When infused with Magic: 94 physical dmg/100 magic dmg, with Fire: 113 physical dmg/124 Fire dmg, with Lightning: 124 physical dmg/124 Lightning dmg

 "Old medium metal shield of unknown origin. The grass crest is lightly imbued with magic, which slightly speeds stamina recovery."

Acquired from:



Hints and Tips:

  • Increases stamina regen by 10 points per second (~22.5% more than base), also when two-handing a weapon.

  • Stamina regen effect stacks with Mask of the Child and Cloranthy Ring and Green Blossom or Power Within.

  • Despite it's usefulness in offline play, for PvP the consensus regarding higher levels of build optimization is that the relatively minor stamina buff does not balance out its relatively poor stats or its high weight, especially not in any scenario where Green Blossom is commonly used.



Youtube relevant videos:

  •  ??



Grass Crest Shield Upgrade Table

standard upgrade dark souls icon s
crystal upgrade dark souls icon s
lightning upgrade dark souls icon s
magic upgrade dark souls icon s
divine upgrade dark souls icon s
fire upgrade dark souls icon s

Overview table for all Upgrades at regular, max and threshold levels. Click on the tabs to see individual upgrade paths in detail. Use this table to quickly compare performance.

  Attack Values Parameter Bonus Auxiliary Damage Reduction (%) Stability
Grass Crest Shield physical damage dark souls magic damage dark souls fire damage dark souls lightning damage dark souls strength dark souls dexterity dark souls intelligence dark souls faith dark souls divine dark souls physical defense dark souls magic defense dark souls fire defense dark souls lightning defense dark souls stability dark souls
Regular 62 - - - D - - - - 95 42 70 50 51
Regular +5 74 - - - D - - - - 95 42 70 50 56
Regular +10 96 - - - D - - - - 95 42 70 50 61
Regular +14 113 - - - D - - - - 95 42 70 50 63
Regular +15 124 - - - D - - - - 95 42 70 50 63
Crystal 96 - - - D - - - - 95 42 70 50 63
Crystal +4 113 - - - D - - - - 95 42 70 50 65
Crystal +5 124 - - - D - - - - 95 42 70 50 66
Lightning 96 - - 96 - - - - - 95 42 70 56 51
Lightning +4 113 - - 113 - - - - - 95 42 70 59 51
Lightning +5 124 - - 124 - - - - - 95 42 70 60 51
Magic 58 62 - - E - D - - 95 42 70 50 51
Magic +5 72 77 - - E - D - - 95 46.2 70 50 51
Magic +9 86 91 - - E - D - - 95 49.6 70 50 51
Magic +10 94 100 - - E - D - - 95 50.4 70 50 51
Divine 52 63 - - E - - D 110 95 42 70 50 51
Divine +5 65 79 - - E - - D 110 95 42 70 50 51
Divine +9 76 93 - - E - - D 110 95 42 70 50 51
Divine +10 84 102 - - E - - D 110 95 42 70 50 51
Fire 77 - 77 - - - - - - 95 42 70 50 51
Fire +5 96 - 96 - - - - - - 95 42 77 50 51
Fire +9 113 - 124 - - - - - - 95 42 82.6 50 51
Fire +10 113 - 124 - - - - - - 95 42 84 50 51


Regular Upgrades are performed by Andre of Astora at the Undead Parish. 
Regular +6 requires a regular +5 weapon and to hand in the Large Ember. Regular +11 requires a regular +10 weapon and to hand in the Very Large Ember
Regular Reinforcement Scales 31% for strength dark soulsStrength to increase your AR.
To reach max, you need: 3,000 souls, 9 titanite shards to +5, 9 large titanite shards to +10, 7 titanite chunks to +14 and 1 titanite slab to +15


  Attack Values Parameter Bonus Auxiliary Damage Reduction (%) Stability
Grass Crest Shield physical damage dark souls magic damage dark souls fire damage dark souls lightning damage dark souls strength dark souls dexterity dark souls intelligence dark souls faith dark souls divine dark souls occult dark souls physical defense dark souls magic defense dark souls fire defense dark souls lightning defense dark souls stability dark souls
Regular 62 - - - D - - - - - 95 42 70 50 51
Regular +1 (titanite shard dark souls sx1) 65 - - - D - - - - - 95 42 70 50 52
Regular +2 (titanite shard dark souls sx1) 68 - - - D - - - - - 95 42 70 50 53
Regular +3 (titanite shard dark souls sx2) 71 - - - D - - - - - 95 42 70 50 54
Regular +4 (titanite shard dark souls sx2) 74 - - - D - - - - - 95 42 70 50 55
Regular +5 (titanite shard dark souls sx3) 77 - - - D - - - - - 95 42 70 50 56
Regular +6 (large titanite shard dark souls sx1) 81 - - - D - - - - - 95 42 70 50 57
Regular +7 (large titanite shard dark souls sx1) 84 - - - D - - - - - 95 42 70 50 58
Regular +8 (large titanite shard dark souls sx2) 88 - - - D - - - - - 95 42 70 50 59
Regular +9 (large titanite shard dark souls sx2) 92 - - - D - - - - - 95 42 70 50 60
Regular +10 (large titanite shard dark souls sx3) 96 - - - D - - - - - 95 42 70 50 61
Regular +11 (titanite chunk dark souls sx1) 100 - - - D - - - - - 95 42 70 50 61
Regular +12 (titanite chunk dark souls sx1) 104 - - - D - - - - - 95 42 70 50 62
Regular +13 (titanite chunk dark souls sx2) 109 - - - D - - - - - 95 42 70 50 62
Regular +14 (titanite chunk dark souls sx3) 113 - - - D - - - - - 95 42 70 50 63
Regular +15 (titanite slab dark souls sx1) 124 - - - D - - - - - 95 42 70 50 63


Crystal Upgrades are performed by the Giant Blacksmith at Anor Londo.
Crystal Upgrades require a regular +10 weapon and to hand in the Crystal Ember.
Crystal Reinforcement reduces weapon Durability by 20, but increases base damage.  It scales 31% for strength dark soulsStrength  to increase your AR.
To reach max, you need: 1000 souls, 8 titanite chunks to +4 and 1 titanite slab to +5


  Attack Values Parameter Bonus Auxiliary Damage Reduction (%) Stability
Grass Crest Shield physical damage dark souls magic damage dark souls fire damage dark souls lightning damage dark souls strength dark souls dexterity dark souls intelligence dark souls faith dark souls divine dark souls occult dark souls physical defense dark souls magic defense dark souls fire defense dark souls lightning defense dark souls stability dark souls
Crystal (titanite chunk dark souls sx1) 96 - - - D - - - - - 95 42 70 50 63
Crystal +1 (titanite chunk dark souls sx1) 100 - - - D - - - - - 95 42 70 50 64
Crystal +2 (titanite chunk dark souls sx1) 104 - - - D - - - - - 95 42 70 50 64
Crystal +3 (titanite chunk dark souls sx2) 109 - - - D - - - - - 95 42 70 50 65
Crystal +4 (titanite chunk dark souls sx3) 113 - - - D - - - - - 95 42 70 50 65
Crystal +5 (titanite slab dark souls sx1) 124 - - - D - - - - - 95 42 70 50 66


Lightning Upgrades are performed by the Giant Blacksmith at Anor Londo.
Lightning Upgrades require a regular +10 weapon, but no special Ember is required.
Lightning Reinforcement removes all scaling but adds Lightning Damage.
 To reach max, you need: 1000 souls, 8 titanite chunks to +4 and 1 titanite slab to +5


  Attack Values Parameter Bonus Auxiliary Damage Reduction (%) Stability
Grass Crest Shield physical damage dark souls magic damage dark souls fire damage dark souls lightning damage dark souls strength dark souls dexterity dark souls intelligence dark souls faith dark souls divine dark souls occult dark souls physical defense dark souls magic defense dark souls fire defense dark souls lightning defense dark souls stability dark souls
Lightning (titanite chunk dark souls sx1) 96 - - 96 - - - - - - 100 30 70 56 58
Lightning +1 (titanite chunk dark souls sx1) 100 - - 100 - - - - - - 100 30 70 57 58
Lightning +2 (titanite chunk dark souls sx1) 104 - - 104 - - - - - - 100 30 70 57.5 58
Lightning +3 (titanite chunk dark souls sx2) 109 - - 109 - - - - - - 100 30 70 58 58
Lightning +4 (titanite chunk dark souls sx3) 113 - - 113 - - - - - - 100 30 70 59 58
Lightning +5 (titanite slab dark souls sx1) 124 - - 124 - - - - - - 100 30 70 60 58




Magic Upgrades are performed by Rickert of Vinheim, found in New Londo Ruins. 
Magic Upgrade +1 requires a regular +5 weapon. Magic +6 requires a Magic +5 and to hand in the Large Magic Ember
Magic Reinforcement adds Magic Damage and an Intelligence bonus. The weapon can no longer be buffed with Magic Weapon. Scales 8% for strength dark soulsStrength and 22% faith dark souls Intelligence to increase your AR. 
To reach max, you need: 2,000 souls, 10 Green Titanite Shards to +5, 7 Blue Titanite Chunks to +14 and 1 Blue Titanite Slab to +15


  Attack Values Parameter Bonus Auxiliary Damage Reduction (%) Stability
Grass Crest Shield physical damage dark souls magic damage dark souls fire damage dark souls lightning damage dark souls strength dark souls dexterity dark souls intelligence dark souls faith dark souls divine dark souls occult dark souls physical defense dark souls magic defense dark souls fire defense dark souls lightning defense dark souls stability dark souls
Magic (green titanite shard dark souls sx1) 58 62 - - E - D - - - 95 42 70 50 51
Magic +1 (green titanite shard dark souls sx1) 61 65 - - E - D - - - 95 42.8 70 50 51
Magic +2 (green titanite shard dark souls sx1) 64 68 - - E - D - - - 95 43.7 70 50 51
Magic +3 (green titanite shard dark souls sx2) 67 71 - - E - D - - - 95 44.5 70 50 51
Magic +4 (green titanite shard dark souls sx2) 70 74 - - E - D - - - 95 45.4 70 50 51
Magic +5 (green titanite shard dark souls sx3) 72 77 - - E - D - - - 95 46.2 70 50 51
Magic +6 (blue titanite chunk dark souls sx1) 76 81 - - E - D - - - 95 47 70 50 51
Magic +7 (blue titanite chunk dark souls sx1) 79 84 - - E - D - - - 95 47.9 70 50 51
Magic +8 (blue titanite chunk dark souls sx2) 82 88 - - E - D - - - 95 48.7 70 50 51
Magic +9 (blue titanite chunk dark souls sx3) 86 91 - - E - D - - - 95 49.6 70 50 51
Magic +10 (blue titanite slab dark souls sx1) 94 100 - - E - D - - - 95 50.4 70 50 51



Divine Upgrades are performed by Andre of Astora at the Undead Parish. 
Divine Upgrades require a regular +5 weapon and to hand in the Divine Ember. Divine +6 upgrades require a Divine Weapon +5 and to hand in the Large Divine Ember
Divine Reinforcement adds Magic Damage and Faith scaling. Scales 10% for strength dark soulsStrength and 25% faith dark soulsFaith to increase your AR.
To reach max, you need: 2000 souls, 10 Green Titanite Shards, 7 White Titanite Chunks and 1 White Titanite Slab


  Attack Values Parameter Bonus Auxiliary Damage Reduction (%) Stability
Grass Crest Shield physical damage dark souls magic damage dark souls fire damage dark souls lightning damage dark souls strength dark souls dexterity dark souls intelligence dark souls faith dark souls divine dark souls occult dark souls physical defense dark souls magic defense dark souls fire defense dark souls lightning defense dark souls stability dark souls
Divine (green titanite shard dark souls sx1) 52 63 - - E - D - 110 - 95 42 70 50 51
Divine +1 (green titanite shard dark souls sx1) 55 66 - - E - D - 110 - 95 42 70 50 51
Divine +2 (green titanite shard dark souls sx1) 57 69 - - E - D - 110 - 95 42 70 50 51
Divine +3 (green titanite shard dark souls sx2) 60 72 - - E - D - 110 - 95 42 70 50 51
Divine +4 (green titanite shard dark souls sx2) 62 75 - - E - D - 110 - 95 42 70 50 51
Divine +5 (green titanite shard dark souls sx3) 65 79 - - E - D - 110 - 95 42 70 50 51
Divine +6 (white titanite chunk dark souls sx1) 68 82 - - E - D - 110 - 95 42 70 50 51
Divine +7 (white titanite chunk dark souls sx1) 70 86 - - E - D - 110 - 95 42 70 50 51
Divine +8 (white titanite chunk dark souls sx2) 73 89 - - E - D - 110 - 95 42 70 50 51
Divine +9 (white titanite chunk dark souls sx3) 76 93 - - E - D - 110 - 95 42 70 50 51
Divine +10 (white titanite slab dark souls sx1) 84 102 - - E - D - 110 - 95 42 70 50 51




Fire Upgrades are performed by Blacksmith Vamos in The Catacombs.
Fire Upgrades require a regular +5 weapon. Fire+6 requires a Fire+5 weapon and to hand in the Large Flame Ember.
Fire Reinforcement adds Fire Damage but removes all scaling bonuses from the weapon. 
To reach max, you need: 2000 souls, 10 Green Titanite Shards, 7 Red Titanite Chunks and 1 Red Titanite Slab


  Attack Values Parameter Bonus Auxiliary Damage Reduction (%) Stability
Grass Crest Shield physical damage dark souls magic damage dark souls fire damage dark souls lightning damage dark souls strength dark souls dexterity dark souls intelligence dark souls faith dark souls divine dark souls occult dark souls physical defense dark souls magic defense dark souls fire defense dark souls lightning defense dark souls stability dark souls
Fire (green titanite shard dark souls sx1) 77 - 77 - - - - - - - 95 42 70 50 51
Fire +1 (green titanite shard dark souls sx1) 81 - 81 - - - - - - - 95 42 71.4 50 51
Fire +2 (green titanite shard dark souls sx1) 84 - 84 - - - - - - - 95 42 72.8 50 51
Fire +3 (green titanite shard dark souls sx2) 88 - 88 - - - - - - - 95 42 74.2 50 51
Fire +4 (green titanite shard dark souls sx2) 92 - 92 - - - - - - - 95 42 75.6 50 51
Fire +5 (green titanite shard dark souls sx3) 96 - 96 - - - - - - - 95 42 77 50 51
Fire +6 (red titanite chunk dark souls sx1) 100 - 100 - - - - - - - 95 42 78.4 50 51
Fire +7 (red titanite chunk dark souls sx1) 104 - 104 - - - - - - - 95 42 79.8 50 51
Fire +8 (red titanite chunk dark souls sx2) 109 - 109 - - - - - - - 95 42 81.2 50 51
Fire +9 (red titanite chunk dark souls sx3) 113 - 113 - - - - - - - 95 42 82.6 50 51
Fire +10 (red titanite slab dark souls sx1) 124 - 124 - - - - - - - 95 42 84 50 51







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    • Anonymous

      the most "used" equipment in all Souls games. At least i wear it in every souls game with it on my back :D

      • Anonymous

        Not sure if this is a bug, I guess so!

        On the scaling table in the all section lightning +5 has 95% physical reduction but in the lightning tab it is 100%?

        Just wondering what I should spec this as on my first playthrough

        • Anonymous

          This shield is not good in any circunstance.

          For PVE, you usually don't need that sighly stamina boost for 100% of the time, just use Grass Blossom against bosses. The main problem is weight optimization, if you need a light shield to parry or defend, Heater Shield / Target Shield / Buckler is better because it's less weight, more defences or more i-frames. It's even worse for the 2H situation, for fast-roll and considering RoF, you are spending 10 points of endurance just to carry this sighly +10 stamina per second, while Green Blossom gives +40 and Power Whitin gives +30. Also, you can't upgrade Grass Crest Shield to crystal (it's only 1 Grass Crest per new game), while the shields mentioned before are possible. In fact you lose more stamina parrying and defending with Grass Crest than Heater Shield, because of the stability.

          For PVP it's complete thrash, because any weight spent on damage or poise / defences is crucial. Even after 10 years, i see a lot of people using this, and they all perish when i invade their worlds: "oh it's the average Zweihander user with a Grass Crest in his back". The wiki tells that is not a good shield and i see a lot of comments against it, they all are noobs. I feel ashamed for using this shield for such a long time.

          • Anonymous

            While magical and lighting defences are nothing special, rest is ok. Decent physical and fire protection, medium stability, medium weight, ability to parry, low stat requirements and of course sweet bonus to stamina regen that works even if shield is resting on the back during 2H weapon use.

            Without doubt best all around shield in the game and as far as PvE goes it's the only shield you need in 90% areas. That's because enemies using magic or lighting are rare and most of the time you will face physical or fire damage. Also most of the enemies do not deal heavy poise damage so you can block their attacks with ease. There are ecounters where other shields will be more usefull but key to this game is always rolling away from damage rather than blocking it and of course wise person carries few upgraded shield to switch them when needed.

            For PvP situation is more tricky cause much more things come into play but if your build and style centers around 2H weapon and rolling rather than blocking this is again best pick.

            • Anonymous

              as a DS2 player, this shield becomes mandatory for me because of the 2 rings system instead of the 4 rings for ds2

              • Anonymous

                Quite possibly the best general-use shield in the game, provides stamina regen, not too heavy, perfectly good block stats, and not bad at all for parrying, sure there's definitely better shields if you need a blocking/parrying tool, but otherwise, hard to beat the weed shield considering how it's not only got good block stats, but also provides a very useful stam regen buff while not being too heavy, no wonder it got it's guard stats heavily nerfed in the later games

                • Anonymous

                  I know this is the shield for people who don’t actually use shields but at +15 this shield does a pretty solid job at actually being a shield.

                  • Anonymous

                    "Despite it's usefulness in offline play, for PvP the consensus regarding higher levels of build optimization is that the relatively minor stamina buff does not balance out its relatively poor stats or its high weight, especially not in any scenario where Green Blossom is commonly used." some actual fiction being written on this fextralife page

                    • Anonymous

                      Best dex weapon: Depends
                      Best strength weapon: Depends
                      Best armor set: Depends
                      Best ring: Depends

                      The exception...
                      Best Shield: Grass Crest Shield

                      • Anonymous

                        The shield for all of us who don't actually use shields because stamina recovery items in DS1 are busted. Stack it with the Chloranthy Ring and Mask of the Child and become SANIC

                        • Anonymous

                          Hands down best shield it works with any build pretty good shield even without the buff just put this on your back and your good to go

                          • Anonymous

                            Grass Crest Shield +15 is the best all around and most versalite shield for any build.

                            If your build or current enemy doesn't require something specific (like poison/bleed blocking, high stability, 100% phys reduction etc.) or you're not using off-hand weapon -> stick with this shield for the entire game.

                            A bit shitty look is it's only drawback.

                            • Anonymous

                              The Lightning Upgrades subsection incorrectly lists the physical defence as 100%, you got my hopes up there for a sec

                              • Anonymous

                                When I equip the Grass Crest Shield in Dark Souls Remastered while having a Slumbering Dragoncrest Ring on the Slumbering Dragoncrest Ring's effects get overwritten. What's the deal with this? If it matters I also have a Blue Tearstone Ring on, but nothing with any other notable effects.

                                The only things I can think are that effects don't stack unless otherwise stated, only two effects can be applied at once, or that this is a bug.

                                • The grass crest shield is absolutely top tier. It's easy to get, it's light, has balance stats across the board and it gives you stamina regen boost. Even though it doesn't have a 100% physical reduction like all other medal shields, it's physical reduction is still usable. Best shield for multiple builds and play throughs.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    There is no way to get this shield to 100% damage reduction.
                                    The table says that the lightning upgrades make it 100 phys reduction, but it's wrong. It's always 95.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      Damn, I didn't know it had a stamina regen boost. You'd think they'd put such an important detail on the actual stats section. Mighthave to put down my heater shield for a second to give this a try

                                      • Anonymous

                                        Once you equip this there's no going back, you can't really get apart with it because how quick your regeneration rate gets.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          Do the upgrades on the GCS (regular bonus, magic, lightning etc) still apply if you don’t parry much? I have a sorcerer and mostly use it for the stamina Regen and blocking. Thx

                                          • Anonymous

                                            me: oh! a new shield! gcs: if you use me, you will never stop. me: whatever. (goes thought entire game with it on)

                                            • Anonymous

                                              If this is equipped in your loadout but not actually selected (i.e. in your other left-hand slot, but you're presently using a different shield) does the stamina regen still apply?

                                              • Anonymous

                                                Is the Grass Crest Shield a 100% damage reduction shield or no? I'm getting conflicting info from the rest of the internet.

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