Short Bow +15

physical_damage_dark_souls.jpg 77 critical_dark_souls 100
magic_damage_dark_souls.jpg 57(62) stability_dark_souls.jpg -
fire_damage_dark_souls.jpg 139(139) durability_dark_souls 100
lightning_damage_dark_souls.jpg 142(155) weight_dark_souls 0.5
Requirements & Bonus
strength_dark_souls.jpg dexterity_dark_souls.jpg intelligence_dark_souls.jpg faith_dark_souls.jpg
7 12
Weapon Type Bow
Range 50
Enchantable No
Special No

*When infused with Magic: 57 physical dmg/62 magic dmg, with Fire: 139 physical dmg/139 Fire dmg, with Lightning: 142 physical dmg/155 Lightning dmg

Short Bow is a Weapon in Dark Souls and Dark Souls Remastered.




 Small bow. Standard projectile weapon."
Equip arrows to use. Hold bow and press L1 or LB to aim. Aim. for heads of humanoid foes. Press L2/R2 or LT/R/T to change type of arrows.

The Short Bow is the standard bow and very useful for luring things. This bow has both a lighter weight and a faster shooting speed than a longbow.




How to Get / Where to Find the Short Bow



  • Give to Frampt to receive 50 souls.
  • This bow is classified as a Short bow. It has faster fire rate than Long bows.
  • Demon's souls version: Different in apperance but has the same range.



Short Bow Upgrade Table



Overview table for all Upgrades at regular, max and threshold levels. Click on the tabs to see individual upgrade paths in detail. Use this table to quickly compare performance


  Attack Values Parameter Bonus Auxiliary Effects
Short Bow physical_damage_dark_souls.jpg magic_damage_dark_souls.jpg fire_damage_dark_souls.jpg lightning_damage_dark_souls.jpg strength_dark_souls.jpg dexterity_dark_souls.jpg intelligence_dark_souls.jpg faith_dark_souls.jpg divine_dark_souls.jpg occult_dark_souls.jpg
Regular 31 - - - D A - - - -
Regular +5 46 - - - D S - - - -
Regular +10 62 - - - D S - - - -
Regular +14 74 - - - D S - - - -
Regular +15 77 - - - D S - - - -
Crystal 68 - - - D S - - - -
Crystal +4 80 - - - D S - - - -
Crystal +5 83 - - - D S - - - -
Lightning 114 - - 127 - - - - - -
Lightning +4 137 - - 149 - - - - - -
Lightning +5 142 - - 155 - - - - - -
Raw 54 - - - D A - - - -
Raw +5 72 - - - D A - - - -
Magic 34 37 - - E D A - - -
Magic +5 46 50 - - E D A - - -
Magic +9 55 60 - - E D S - - -
Magic +10 57 62 - - E D S - - -
Enchanted 46 50 - - E D A - - -
Enchanted +4 53 56 - - E D S - - -
Enchanted +5 55 58 - - E D S - - -
Divine 31 39 - - E C - A 110 -
Divine +5 42 52 - - E C - A 110 -
Divine +9 50 62 - - E C - S 110 -
Divine +10 52 65 - - E C - S 110 -
Occult 42 46 - - E C - S - 110
Occult +4 52 55 - - E C - S - 110
Occult +5 54 57 - - E C - S - 110
Fire 55 - 55 - - - - - - -
Fire +5 97 - 97 - - - - - - -
Fire +9 131 - 131 - - - - - - -
Fire +10 139 - 139 - - - - - - -
Chaos 67 - 83 - - - - - - -
Chaos +4
@10 Humanity
- 125
- - - - - - -
Chaos +5
@10 Humanity
- 136
- - - - - - -



Regular Upgrades are performed by Andre of Astora at the Undead Parish.
Regular +6 requires a regular +5 weapon and to hand in the Large Ember. Regular +11 requires a regular +10 weapon and to hand in the Very Large Ember.
Regular Reinforcement Scales 38% for strength_dark_souls.jpgStrength and 140% for dexterity_dark_souls.jpgDexterity to increase your AR.
To reach max, you need: 3,000 souls, 9 titanite shards to +5, 9 large titanite shards to +10, 7 titanite chunks to +14 and 1 titanite slab to +15

  Attack Values Parameter Bonus Auxiliary
Short Bow physical_damage_dark_souls.jpg magic_damage_dark_souls.jpg fire_damage_dark_souls.jpg lightning_damage_dark_souls.jpg strength_dark_souls.jpg dexterity_dark_souls.jpg intelligence_dark_souls.jpg faith_dark_souls.jpg divine_dark_souls.jpg occult_dark_souls.jpg
Regular 31 - - - D A - - - -
Regular +1 (titanite_shard_dark_soulsx1) 34 - - - D S - - - -
Regular +2 (titanite_shard_dark_soulsx1) 37 - - - D S - - - -
Regular +3 (titanite_shard_dark_soulsx2) 40 - - - D S - - - -
Regular +4 (titanite_shard_dark_soulsx2) 43 - - - D S - - - -
Regular +5 (titanite_shard_dark_soulsx3) 46 - - - D S - - - -
Regular +6 (titanite_shard_dark_soulsx1) 49 - - - D S - - - -
Regular +7 (titanite_shard_dark_soulsx1) 52 - - - D S - - - -
Regular +8 (titanite_shard_dark_soulsx2) 55 - - - D S - - - -
Regular +9 (titanite_shard_dark_soulsx2) 58 - - - D S - - - -
Regular +10 (titanite_shard_dark_soulsx3) 62 - - - D S - - - -
Regular +11 (titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx1) 65 - - - D S - - - -
Regular +12 (titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx1) 68 - - - D S - - - -
Regular +13 (titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx2) 71 - - - D S - - - -
Regular +14 (titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx3) 74 - - - D S - - - -
Regular +15 (titanite_slab_dark_soulsx1) 77 - - - D S - - - -



Crystal Upgrades are performed by the Giant Blacksmith at Anor Londo.
Crystal Upgrades require a regular +10 weapon and to hand in the Crystal Ember.
Crystal Reinforcement reduces weapon Durability by 10, but increases base damage. It scales 38% for strength_dark_souls.jpgStrength and 140% for dexterity_dark_souls.jpgDexterity to increase your AR.
To reach max, you need: 1000 souls, 8 titanite chunks to +4 and 1 titanite slab to +5

  Attack Values Parameter Bonus Auxiliary
Short Bow physical_damage_dark_souls.jpg magic_damage_dark_souls.jpg fire_damage_dark_souls.jpg lightning_damage_dark_souls.jpg strength_dark_souls.jpg dexterity_dark_souls.jpg intelligence_dark_souls.jpg faith_dark_souls.jpg divine_dark_souls.jpg occult_dark_souls.jpg
Crystal (titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx1) 68 - - - D S - - - -
Crystal +1 (titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx1) 71 - - - D S - - - -
Crystal +2 (titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx1) 74 - - - D S - - - -
Crystal +3 (titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx2) 77 - - - D S - - - -
Crystal +4 (titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx3) 80 - - - D S - - - -
Crystal +5 (titanite_slab_dark_soulsx1) 83 - - - D S - - - -



Lightning Upgrades are performed by the Giant Blacksmith at Anor Londo.
Lightning Upgrades require a regular +10 weapon, but no special Ember is required.
Lightning Reinforcement removes all scaling but adds Lightning Damage.
To reach max, you need: 1000 souls, 8 titanite chunks to +4 and 1 titanite slab to +5

  Attack Values Parameter Bonus Auxiliary
Short Bow physical_damage_dark_souls.jpg magic_damage_dark_souls.jpg fire_damage_dark_souls.jpg lightning_damage_dark_souls.jpg strength_dark_souls.jpg dexterity_dark_souls.jpg intelligence_dark_souls.jpg faith_dark_souls.jpg divine_dark_souls.jpg occult_dark_souls.jpg
Lightning (titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx1) 114 - - 127 - - - - - -
Lightning +1 (titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx1) 120 - - 132 - - - - - -
Lightning +2 (titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx1) 125 - - 138 - - - - - -
Lightning +3 (titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx2) 131 - - 143 - - - - - -
Lightning +4 (titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx3) 137 - - 149 - - - - - -
Lightning +5 (titanite_slab_dark_soulsx1) 142 - - 155 - - - - - -



Raw Upgrades are performed by Andre of Astora at the Undead Parish.
Raw Upgrades require a regular +5 weapon and to hand in the Large Ember.
Raw Reinforcement increases base damage whilst reducing stat bonuses. Scales 29% for strength_dark_souls.jpgStrength and  105% for dexterity_dark_souls.jpgDexterity to increase your AR.
To reach max, you need: 1000 souls, 10 large titanite shards

  Attack Values Parameter Bonus Auxiliary
Short Bow physical_damage_dark_souls.jpg magic_damage_dark_souls.jpg fire_damage_dark_souls.jpg lightning_damage_dark_souls.jpg strength_dark_souls.jpg dexterity_dark_souls.jpg intelligence_dark_souls.jpg faith_dark_souls.jpg divine_dark_souls.jpg occult_dark_souls.jpg
Raw (titanite_shard_dark_soulsx1) 54 - - - D A - - - -
Raw +1 (titanite_shard_dark_soulsx1) 57 - - - D A - - - -
Raw +2 (titanite_shard_dark_soulsx1) 61 - - - D A - - - -
Raw +3 (titanite_shard_dark_soulsx2) 64 - - - D A - - - -
Raw +4 (titanite_shard_dark_soulsx2) 68 - - - D A - - - -
Raw +5 (titanite_shard_dark_soulsx3) 72 - - - D A - - - -



Magic Upgrades are performed by Rickert of Vinheim, found in New Londo Ruins.
Magic Upgrade +1 requires a regular +5 weapon. Magic +6 requires a Magic +5 and to hand in the Large Magic Ember
Magic Reinforcement adds Magic Damage and an Intelligence bonus. The weapon can no longer be buffed with Magic Weapon. Scales 11% for strength_dark_souls.jpgStrength, 39% for dexterity_dark_souls.jpgDexterity and 128% faith_dark_souls.jpg Intelligence to increase your AR.
To reach max, you need: 2,000 souls, 10 Green Titanite Shards to +5, 7 Blue Titanite Chunks to +14 and 1 Blue Titanite Slab to +15

  Attack Values Parameter Bonus Auxiliary
Short Bow physical_damage_dark_souls.jpg magic_damage_dark_souls.jpg fire_damage_dark_souls.jpg lightning_damage_dark_souls.jpg strength_dark_souls.jpg dexterity_dark_souls.jpg intelligence_dark_souls.jpg faith_dark_souls.jpg divine_dark_souls.jpg occult_dark_souls.jpg
Magic (green_titanite_shard_dark_soulsx1) 34 37 - - E D A - - -
Magic +1 (green_titanite_shard_dark_soulsx1) 36 40 - - E D A - - -
Magic +2 (green_titanite_shard_dark_soulsx1) 39 42 - - E D A - - -
Magic +3 (green_titanite_shard_dark_soulsx2) 41 45 - - E D A - - -
Magic +4 (green_titanite_shard_dark_soulsx2) 43 47 - - E D A - - -
Magic +5 (green_titanite_shard_dark_soulsx3) 46 50 - - E D A - - -
Magic +6 (blue_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx1) 48 52 - - E D S - - -
Magic +7 (blue_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx1) 50 55 - - E D S - - -
Magic +8 (blue_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx2) 52 57 - - E D S - - -
Magic +9 (blue_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx3) 55 60 - - E D S - - -
Magic +10 (blue_titanite_slab_dark_soulsx1) 57 62 - - E D S - - -



Enchanted Upgrades are performed by Rickert of Vinheim, found in New Londo Ruins.
Enchanted Upgrade +1 requires a regular +5 weapon. Enchanted +6 requires a Enchanted +5 and to hand in the Large Magic Ember
Enchanted Reinforcement increases the Intelligence bonus at the cost of base magic damage. The weapon can no longer be buffed with Magic Weapon. Scales 8% for strength_dark_souls.jpgStrength, 28% for dexterity_dark_souls.jpgDexterity and 125% faith_dark_souls.jpg Intelligence to increase your AR.
To reach max, you need: 1000 souls, 8 Blue Titanite Chunks to +4 and 1 Blue Titanite Slab to +5

  Attack Values Parameter Bonus Auxiliary
Short Bow physical_damage_dark_souls.jpg magic_damage_dark_souls.jpg fire_damage_dark_souls.jpg lightning_damage_dark_souls.jpg strength_dark_souls.jpg dexterity_dark_souls.jpg intelligence_dark_souls.jpg faith_dark_souls.jpg divine_dark_souls.jpg occult_dark_souls.jpg
Enchanted (blue_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx1) 46 50 - - E D A - - -
Enchanted +1 (blue_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx1) 47 51 - - E D A - - -
Enchanted +2 (blue_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx1) 49 52 - - E D S - - -
Enchanted +3 (blue_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx2) 51 54 - - E D S - - -
Enchanted +4 (blue_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx3) 53 56 - - E D S - - -
Enchanted +5 (blue_titanite_slab_dark_soulsx1) 55 58 - - E D S - - -



Divine Upgrades are performed by Andre of Astora at the Undead Parish.
Divine Upgrades require a regular +5 weapon and to hand in the Divine Ember. Divine +6 upgrades require a Divine Weapon +5 and to hand in the Large Divine Ember.
Divine Reinforcement adds Magic Damage and Faith scaling. Scales 15% for strength_dark_souls.jpgStrength, 54% for dexterity_dark_souls.jpgDexterity and 127% faith_dark_souls.jpgFaith to increase your AR.
To reach max, you need: 2000 souls, 10 Green Titanite Shards, 7 White Titanite Chunks and 1 White Titanite Slab

  Attack Values Parameter Bonus Auxiliary
Short Bow physical_damage_dark_souls.jpg magic_damage_dark_souls.jpg fire_damage_dark_souls.jpg lightning_damage_dark_souls.jpg strength_dark_souls.jpg dexterity_dark_souls.jpg intelligence_dark_souls.jpg faith_dark_souls.jpg divine_dark_souls.jpg occult_dark_souls.jpg
Divine (green_titanite_shard_dark_soulsx1) 31 39 - - E C - A 110 -
Divine +1 (green_titanite_shard_dark_soulsx1) 33 41 - - E C - A 110 -
Divine +2 (green_titanite_shard_dark_soulsx1) 35 44 - - E C - A 110 -
Divine +3 (green_titanite_shard_dark_soulsx2) 37 46 - - E C - A 110 -
Divine +4 (green_titanite_shard_dark_soulsx2) 39 49 - - E C - A 110 -
Divine +5 (green_titanite_shard_dark_soulsx3) 42 52 - - E C - A 110 -
Divine +6 (white_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx1) 44 54 - - E C - S 110 -
Divine +7 (white_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx1) 46 57 - - E C - S 110 -
Divine +8 (white_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx2) 48 59 - - E C - S 110 -
Divine +9 (white_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx3) 50 62 - - E C - S 110- -
Divine +10 (white_titanite_slab_dark_soulsx1) 52 65 - - E C - S 110 -



Occult Upgrades are performed by Andre of Astora at the Undead Parish.
Occult Upgrades require a Divine+5 weapon and to hand in the Dark Ember.
Occult Reinforcement reduces the base damage but increases Faith scaling. Scales 14% for strength_dark_souls.jpgStrength, 50% for dexterity_dark_souls.jpgDexterity and 150% faith_dark_souls.jpgFaith to increase your AR.
To reach max, you need: 1000 souls, 7 White Titanite Chunks and 1 White Titanite Slab

  Attack Values Parameter Bonus Auxiliary
Short Bow physical_damage_dark_souls.jpg magic_damage_dark_souls.jpg fire_damage_dark_souls.jpg lightning_damage_dark_souls.jpg strength_dark_souls.jpg dexterity_dark_souls.jpg intelligence_dark_souls.jpg faith_dark_souls.jpg divine_dark_souls.jpg occult_dark_souls.jpg
Occult (white_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx1) 42 46 - - E C - S - 110
Occult +1 (white_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx1) 44 48 - - E C - S - 110
Occult +2 (white_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx1) 47 50 - - E C - S - 110
Occult +3 (white_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx2) 49 52 - - E C - S - 110
Occult +4 (white_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx3) 52 55 - - E C - S - 110
Occult +5 (white_titanite_slab_dark_soulsx1) 54 57 - - E C - S - 110



Fire Upgrades are performed by Blacksmith Vamos in The Catacombs.
Fire Upgrades require a regular +5 weapon. Fire+6 requires a Fire+5 weapon and to hand in the Large Flame Ember.
Fire Reinforcement adds Fire Damage but removes all scaling bonuses from the weapon.
To reach max, you need: 2000 souls, 10 Green Titanite Shards, 7 Red Titanite Chunks and 1 Red Titanite Slab

  Attack Values Parameter Bonus Auxiliary
Short Bow physical_damage_dark_souls.jpg magic_damage_dark_souls.jpg fire_damage_dark_souls.jpg lightning_damage_dark_souls.jpg strength_dark_souls.jpg dexterity_dark_souls.jpg intelligence_dark_souls.jpg faith_dark_souls.jpg divine_dark_souls.jpg occult_dark_souls.jpg
Fire (green_titanite_shard_dark_soulsx1) 55 - 55 - - - - - - -
Fire +1 (green_titanite_shard_dark_soulsx1) 64 - 64 - - - - - - -
Fire +2 (green_titanite_shard_dark_soulsx1) 72 - 72 - - - - - - -
Fire +3 (green_titanite_shard_dark_soulsx2) 80 - 80 - - - - - - -
Fire +4 (green_titanite_shard_dark_soulsx2) 89 - 89 - - - - - - -
Fire +5 (green_titanite_shard_dark_soulsx3) 97 - 97 - - - - - - -
Fire +6 (red_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx1) 106 - 106 - - - - - - -
Fire +7 (red_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx1) 114 - 114 - - - - - - -
Fire +8 (red_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx2) 122 - 122 - - - - - - -
Fire +9 (red_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx3) 131 - 131 - - - - - - -
Fire +10 (red_titanite_slab_dark_soulsx1) 139 - 139 - - - - - - -



Chaos Upgrades are performed by Blacksmith Vamos in The Catacombs.
Chaos Upgrades require a Fire+5 weapon and to hand in the Chaos Flame Ember
Fire Reinforcement reduces Fire Damage but adds a bonus based on the Humanity you hold.
To reach max, you need: 1000 souls, 7 Red Titanite Chunks and 1 Red Titanite Slab

  Attack Values Parameter Bonus Auxiliary
Short Bow physical_damage_dark_souls.jpg magic_damage_dark_souls.jpg fire_damage_dark_souls.jpg lightning_damage_dark_souls.jpg strength_dark_souls.jpg dexterity_dark_souls.jpg intelligence_dark_souls.jpg faith_dark_souls.jpg divine_dark_souls.jpg occult_dark_souls.jpg
Chaos (red_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx1) 67 - 83 - - - - - - -
Chaos +1 (red_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx1) 75 - 94 - - - - - - -
Chaos +2 (red_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx1) 83 - 104 - - - - - - -
Chaos +3 (red_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx2) 91 - 115 - - - - - - -
Chaos +4 (red_titanite_chunk_dark_soulsx3) 99 - 125 - - - - - - -
Chaos +5 (red_titanite_slab_dark_soulsx1) 108 - 136 - - - - - - -




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    • Anonymous

      all the damage output comes from your dex, which makes it a great weapon for dex builds of any level...if you're not leveling dex, it WILL be very weak, or else it will hit over 200dmg per shot (late game), which is a great deal considering the thing's weight and near infinite ammo...and as for pvp, if you're invaded and you or a teammate have this litle bad boy, you or they, can hold an arrow ready and take a shot every time the invader is doing something, such as attacking, buffing, healing...and since it's not an easy projectile to see, it has an easy time to hit far away immobile targets, as most the time they will barely see it............DS1's archery is better than all the others in the serie (all thanks to powerful scalings) , except short bows in eldenring, which got proper attacks and stats to go with them

      • Anonymous

        Short bow seems like it's best for dex builds in both ds1 and ds3, don't notice a large difference between this and the composite bow

        • Anonymous

          Actually, the Bows works in a special way with the different upgrades and it's definitely worth it to know, let me explain it to you. (Normal Path) The bow has a high DEX scale and is supposed to do a decent damage if your focus on DEX, but the only way to do that is to do headshots (in PvE aspect), otherwise the damage output is mediocre for some reason. (Probably because the scale goes to the arrow, not to the bow, it will be explained in the Divine / Magic upgrade) The only Bow that is worth to using in combat is the Compound Bow, which being a quality weapon all you need is to have 27 STR and the rest in DEX that way you will be doing a powerful damage. (Fire-Chaos / Lightning Path) "The best option" for many reasons, 0 STR and DEX requirements except for the minimum so you can focus your points to another stat, the Bow will gain a secret auxilary effect, it's more situable for combat because it's not headshot dependant and you will be doing more damage than the Normal Path, but why? When upgrading a Bow in the Fire or Lightning Path, the base physical damage of the Bow increases much more than the Normal Path (Like a Raw upgrade), by comparing damage outputs in a [11 + Longbow (25 DEX)] vs [0 + Lightning Longbow] it seems that the final damage output of the Bow is more influenced by the base physical damage than the scaling of the weapon itself because the Lightning Bow has more physical damage than the other bow, tested on different enemies. With the elemental upgrade, the bow itself IS NOT capable to do elemental damage, but IT'S CAPABLE to strike in the enemy's elemental weakness, this is the secret auxilary effect that i say before. For example, the Slimes in the Depths are weak to fire, if you shoot them with a Fire Bow, you will do a lot of damage to them REGARDLES OF THE ARROWS you use. In others words, the Bow will do pure physical damage but the elemental weakness or resistanses of an enemy will apply and that can change the final damage output. (Divine / Occult - Magic) The upgrade that does the most damage of all, that being said, however is the most expensive to use. As I mentioned earlier, it seems that scaling goes directly to the arrow and not to the Bow. By improving the Bow along the Divine / Magic path, the scaling passes to FTH and INT specifically. With any type of arrow you will be doing mediocre damage, however when using the Moonlight Arrows the damage becomes tremendous, not so different from the damage of the Dragonslayer Greatbow, that is why those arrows cost 500 souls just like Great arrow. Recap: (Normal Path) Pro: For quality builds (Compound Bow), works fine like a secondary weapon, Cheapest. Cons: Mediocre damage except for the Compound Bow, need total a total focus on a stat for full damage, headshoter. (Fire-Chaos / Lightning Path) Pro: Acceptable damage, versatile, more suitable for combat, an enemy can die easly if it's weak to specific elemental Bow, still do pure physical damage, can be a main weapon. Cons: Need more than one Bow to upgrade, the form that you'll need to farm slabs, an enemy can endure a lot if it's resistent to specific elemental Bow. (Divine-Occult / Magic Path) Pro: Heavy magic damage if you focus on FTH or INT and use Moonlight Arrows, have the most powerfull damage of any upgrade on this way, it allows to the cleric and sorceres classes to be a good archers too. Cons: Need a harsh invest on points like the Normal Path, the most expensive, for some situations, mediocre physical damage.

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